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Showing posts from October 16, 2016

Malcolm Turnbull is an Uninformed Idiot

Conservative belief of renewables causing power blackouts is bad science. It is amazing how far the Australian conservative parties, namely the Liberals and Nationals, will go to promote their misguided beliefs. Both parties have policies of discrediting the reality of global warming.   malcolm turnbull "Shaddap You Face " you ignorant voters! Conservative politicians are paranoid about the truth. Recently, power blackouts occurred in South Australia that were caused by lighting strikes - a record number struck the state during a storm. The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnball, saw it as an opportunity to blame the state's move to renewable energy. The Federal Government is doing everything it can to completely destroy alternative energy. This is their policy and they do not hide it. To the rest of the world Australia is living in the dark ages - black coal. The Government is pandering to vested interests.     malcolm turnbull Malcolm Turnbull say...