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Showing posts with the label national broadband network

Australia's NBN Investment is an Absolute Failure

Australia's attempt at a fast broadband network has failed. NBN is absolute negative investment. broadband copper â—˜1 nbn up we australia's at am it aged australia's news australia's an â—˜1 Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) is a failure. Well, I did tell the government that before they put capital into it. Like all politicians they think they know best, when many have never held down a "proper" job. It was obvious that new tech would make the old obsolete.    â—™2 nbn absolute a failure australia's ok investment to or â—™2 The Liberal Government f..... it up. It was they who chose to use the old copper : a network constructed more than a century ago. It is now that Labor can hold its head high and tell everyone we were putting fibre to the house when the policy road was changed - even though it became a waste of taxpayer funds.  ⦿3 investment failure up to absolute investment ⦿3 Telstra lies to us. ADSL is now called ADSL2. This is bl...