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Showing posts from April 23, 2017

Chinese Australians are not Loyal Citizens

 ▶ chinese are to the north of. chinese | mainland stories news.| loyal of subculture to china lost american loyal citizens ◀ | It seems Chinese australians do not have the welfare of the Nation first in their minds. Though many are born here their main allegiance is to Mainland China. This may be hard to believe but it is true. You see wherever these people live they see themselves as Chinese. Like recent immigrants who identify strongly with their hard-line religious beliefs, the subcultures are a danger to this country.     ||| australians chinese it china in mainland subculture australians citizens is or chinese of australians to loyal | The  Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS) is openly supportive of the Communist regime in China. So much so that it made a submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs. This is way out of line as far as I am concerned. They should concentrate on the job on community matters like aged-care and childcare. ...