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Showing posts with the label boats

Aussie Beer Began With Convict James Squires

A Prisoner of her magesty (POM) started brewing up a drink for the colony. The man who established beer in Ozyland was a Romani from England - shock horror! Yes, he was a gypsy. Now Aussies today know hardly anything about the discrimination they face even in modern England. In some regions they are classed as lower than dogs. I have personal experience of this.   ⦿2 z aussie z beer x began x With z convict z james z squires ⦿2 James Squire (Squires) was born in 1784 in Kingston upon Thames. He was transported to America for highway robbery. However, by enlisting in the army he was eventually able to return home where he managed a hotel. Caught stealing he was sent on the First Fleet to New South Wales.   ⦿3 b aussie b began b With b convict b james b squires ⦿3 An opportunity arose :  he would make and sell beer. His thieving continued. He stole beer making ingredients. A flogging was administered and he was later freed. Receiving 30 acres of land he opened a...

Conspicuous Consumption by Rich on Education

 ▶ Conspicuous expenditures on luxury education by the rich - consumption. | goods + consumption + rich + education + conspicuous + luxury + goods + have conspicuous ha consumption education or goods we luxury ox rich | found. ◀ | Thorstein Veblen coined the phrase " conspicuous consumption " to apply to the purchase of corsets and silver spoons by the upper class. It is assumed that such gross buying of luxury products is still with us. The saying is often used.      ||| education oh rich if goods consumption up conspicuous me found no have my education it goods en conspicuous go goods | Today, mass production has brought the price of such commodities down, unless of course you buy Apple goods that are grossly overpriced. Note, this company is using  oligopolistic   practices . However, for the most part, such items are not that costly compared to income.      ||| ox dravidian at   luxury go goods is consumption rich luxury h...

Genetic Research Done on Whale Mucus Determines Sex

Genetics: Scientists work on whales instead of cattle. Work on cattle genetics has shown the way to determine the sex of whales using a sample taken from blow holes. Specimens are composed of water and mucous membrane material.  They are collected from the sea by people in dingies, canoes and kayaks. The process involves scooping with a six-metre long carbon-fibre pole. A team of researchers has enjoyed the chance to get away from working with cattle. They have also done a genetic study of koalas. Improving cattle and meat are their priorities, however.  A few hundred samples are to be taken.  This compares to a half a million already collected from cattle. While blow hole samples are used for whales, hair is taken from cattle. Researchers have identified favourable traits for cattle from DNA. The real problem is getting these into cattle. Farmers are the ones who breed animals, not researchers. It is no surprise to find the more direct work on whales a welcom...

New Chinese Theme Park for Australia?

A theme park is to be built at Warnervale in New South Wales. It is not your usual holiday inspired park like Marine World or Disney World. The name of the new entertainment precinct is not yet known, but it will be devoted solely to things Chinese. It is aimed more at Chinese tourists than Australians. A panda paradise, thanksgiving temple and treasure ship are expected to draw the customers. A massive half a billion dollars is dedicated to the project. The rather odd name of "Chappypie China Time" is being put forward as the preferred choice by Chinese developers. This choice will not go down well with Australians. It is awkward and doesn't translate well into Australian culture. It will based on "old" China, not the present totalitarian state. Things such as a copy of the Forbidden City, thousand-hand Guanyin and dragon boats will be the main theme.  Developers say it will rival Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. However, these...

Australian Refugee Policy is Seen as Ruthless by the World

Lieutenant-General Angus Campbell, military commander of Australia's People-smuggling operation believes that "Australia is seen as reasonable and generous in its treatment of refugees."  How stupid and out of touch can you be.  The world knows that Australia couldn't care less about the welfare of refugees. Don't get me wrong here:  I was the first person in Australia to suggest sending those seeking asylum home, on this very blog .  However, I said economic migrants should be flown home, not turned around in Indonesian waters and send into imminent danger in a small (provided) orange boat. Agreements should have been reached with the countries of origin of the disenchanted people to safely transport them home.  Australia is in the top three nations resettling refugees, but we are falling fast from this position because our actions are draconian.  They are ruthlessly too effective.  No other country has taken such harsh measures. The re...

New Jellyfish in Coffs Harbour

It seems humans know just about everything. This is a myth really. A new species of jellyfish has be seen in Coffs Harbour, NSW. It seems the marine creature has been there for a long time. The mystery "object" is a box jellyfish that appears to be totally harmless. It is unlike the Irujandji and is smaller than the dangerous Chironex flecker box jellyfish. Fishermen have been seeing the new jellyfish for sometime but authorities took no notice. A game crew took photos of the animal last week. Finally "professionals" acted and arrangements are being made to catch some specimens. Fish of all kinds are moving south as the temperature of the ocean increases due to climate change. It is believed the visiting jellyfish come from more northern climes. Usually jellyfish do not move south because they can be harmed by rougher seas. They prefer the warm, calmer tropics. http://www.feeds.feed...

If Fishing Is Not Reduced There Will Be Little to Sell

Consumers will have to learn to do without. If we want our children to enjoy seafood we will have to eat less of it now. That means paying a higher price. A guide has been put out by the Australian Conservation Society to make people aware of what species are in danger. This Christmas consumers have bought lobster, bugs and mackerel. It is debatable as to whether all of these are actually threatened. Not everyone is in favor of informing the general public about the need for change in the seafood industry. The Queensland Seafood Industry Association, in particular retailers the body represents, are angry because they fear a fall in income. They are saying the industry is already struggling. Yes, it is struggling because seafood is becoming more difficult to supply. It is really a case of " someone has to pay and it won't be us ". They say fishing boats have been bought and licensing fees have been paid. The reality is, however, that if fishing is not cut back there will n...