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Showing posts with the label Europeans

Massacres of Aboriginals Mapped by New Technology

Much of Australia's history since European settlement has been distorted by white historians. In a bid to justify the illegal taekeover of Australian tribal land with no treaty between Aboriginals and the conquerors a lot has been hidden. If settlers moved to what they believed to be virgin land they just took it - with a quiet nod from government, of course. Any hostility from black people already there was quickly silenced at the point of a gun. Yes massacres did occur. New digital technology is now bringing the truth to light. Massacres have been mapped by a research team at Newcastle University. Professor Lyndal Ryan is taking the information to people in regional areas of Australia. The massacre map has come as a shock to purist historians who want to perpetuate the old lies put into print. Their old interpretations were clearly wrong and they do not know where to hide. New arrivals from Europe wanted Aboriginals to disappear entirely from this land. Fortunately, ...

Australian Prime Minister Totally Wrong Saying Australia Was "Empty"

There isn't much doubt that we have the most "out of touch" prime minister in Australian history. He goes oversees and visits world leaders and says absolutely stupid things. It makes you wonder if he lives in the same world as everyone else. He blatantly believes that he didn't lie about what he would do if he won office. He has gone full circle and made cuts to areas he said he would not change. He takes voters for granted thinking they are as stupid as he is. Again, he has made a statement that the majority of Australians know to be untrue. He said Australia was unsettled when Europeans arrived. Color blindness seems to be one of his flaws. Suggesting that British investment made Australia what it is today is applying modern theory to times when economic theory was in its infancy. There was little understanding of investment in those days. Anyway, Britain's investment was really more people, unwanted in their homeland. The only real investment wa...

Aboriginals Arrived in Thousands on First Arrival - Questionable

An archaeologist, Alan Williams, has a controversial theory. He believes that people first arrived in Australia from Asia in their thousands. It was not a small group. There is no proof for this. It is just his belief. There is a problem with this: How did "Asians" know that land was over the horizon? It must have been first discovered by a few people in one or even two boats. It also presumes that they made the return journey to Asia to tell everyone - very unlikely. His estimate puts the Aboriginal founding population at 3000 people. This would have been a virtual "armada" of new arrivals all at one time. This premise is too far fetched to believe. Making estimates about how the Aboriginal population grew is prone to distortion because the general population declined after the arrival of Macassans and Europeans. The highest population level is "pulled out of the air" and put at 1.2 million before the opening-up of the continent. This is not ...

Islander Blondes Are Natural

All black people have black hair - right? This is an incorrect assumption. When Europeans first arrived in Australia they found some blonde Aboriginals. They thought that White sailors must have been shipwrecked off the coast and took Aboriginal wives. In the Solomon Island near northern Australia 10 per cent of black people have blonde hair. The sun has not bleached the hair white. European sailors are not responsible either. It is a random gene that causes it. This is proven as the tone of blonde is different from Europeans. A group of Islanders were tested for gene structure: forty two with dark hair and 43 'blondes'. The pigmentation gene was either coded with a "c" which produced blond haired people or 'T' giving dark hair. It is a recessive gene which means both parents must have the blond gene to have a blond child.