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Showing posts with the label vehicles

Natural Gas is an Option for a Green Future

Coal is not the only way of lighting up homes. Natural gas is a fossil fuel that is an option for a cleaner green ecosystem. || australia option future natural future notable green natural option gas natural gas natural green natural option blog green ||  For all the greenhouse gas reduction cacophony little is said about generating electricity with natural gas. For sure, like coal and oil it is non-renewable. However, it is not as dirty as these alternatives. Indeed, 13 percent of power comes from natural gas plants already. This is rising.         | gas green| Electricity prices are increasing, particularly in Australia. This has been caused by public and government pressure on coal power stations to close down. Note that there is solid support for coal in Liberal Party (read conservative) factions.      |||   | option then on future option |     Logic would tell you that there is no way sufficient power can be ge...

Compulsory Reversing Radar Technology is Needed in Australia

There is nothing worse than parking in a shopping center car park, doing your shopping, then coming out to find another driver has reversed out and scraped your rear "bumper" A compulsory radar reversing system should be introduced for all vehicles. VicRoads is doing something about this. Their maintenance fleet has been fitted with radar-based reverse braking technology. The main target is not vehicle damage: it is injuries to employees who are hit when trucks are reversing. No less than 18 workers were struck from 2003 to 2012. The system detects anything directly in the reversing path of a vehicle. All new motor vehicles are now fitted with such technology in Europe, the US and Japan. Where is Australia with regard to this? It can prevent injuries, save lives and last but not least stop unwanted damage.  Insurance companies could even offer lower premiums as a result. VicRoads will share its trial data with others involved in the transport industry. I...

Old Cars Are Healthier

It makes one wonder how much money is wasted on research into seemingly trivial and irrelevant issues. Nonetheless, some of this research does result in useful findings. Why would there be tests on old cars to find out whether they are healthier than new vehicles? Well, research has been done and older cars are healthier largely because they let more air in through seals that do not fit anymore. Most drivers and passengers jump into the modern vehicle and turn the air conditioning on, thus locking themselves into a sealed capsule. This may be comfortable but it can cause illness. To make the air conditioner function better it is common to choose the recycle setting, so we breath stale air. This is more damaging than taking in pollutants from outside. When you go for a drive in future you should be careful about who you are travelling with. If a passenger has the flu, everyone else will probably get it. Set the air conditioner to the ventilation setting or leave a window slightl...