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Showing posts with the label PM

Government to Use Small Tech Companies

| ▶ Moderately sized tech firms to be offered contracts in OZ. | stories news. | ◀ | Big tech companies like International Business Machines and Hewlett Packard have really messed up in their attempts to adequately complete subcontract jobs in Australia.  The census was a fiasco.  It was launched without even basic testing.   | ▶ Government at Use on Small up Tech of Companies | stories of news and for too all few number small or tech government. | ◀ | Assistant minister for digital transformation, Angus Taylor, said that $900 million would be spent yearly on smaller, innovative companies.  Unfortunately, he caused confusion by stating we will "be a better customer" while also pronouncing, "no handouts."  Surely these a mutually exclusive. | ▶ australian small Companies Government of Use up Small on Tech at Companies | articles minister ◀ |     Considering $9 billion is the expenditure each year on technical work in the public sector, ...

Malcolm Turnbull is an Uninformed Idiot

Conservative belief of renewables causing power blackouts is bad science. It is amazing how far the Australian conservative parties, namely the Liberals and Nationals, will go to promote their misguided beliefs. Both parties have policies of discrediting the reality of global warming.   malcolm turnbull "Shaddap You Face " you ignorant voters! Conservative politicians are paranoid about the truth. Recently, power blackouts occurred in South Australia that were caused by lighting strikes - a record number struck the state during a storm. The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnball, saw it as an opportunity to blame the state's move to renewable energy. The Federal Government is doing everything it can to completely destroy alternative energy. This is their policy and they do not hide it. To the rest of the world Australia is living in the dark ages - black coal. The Government is pandering to vested interests.     malcolm turnbull Malcolm Turnbull say...

Malcolm Turnbull is Big Bad Wolf - Watch Out Goldilocks!

When you get chosen as Prime Minister the first rule is... look after yourself and your mates. For some odd reason the "group of independent deciders supported the Coalition's policy of exempting Australia's wealthiest people from disclosure requirements on a new tax system taking effect in December. Mind you, the ordinary Jack and Jill will have to disclose their data. It seems Malcolm Turnbull is not just a pretty face: he is a crafty sod as well! Let's all head for the Cayman Islands. If its good enough for our PM, it is certainly good enough for the rest of us dinkum Aussies. Kerry Packer the famous now deceased billionaire once said that "it is every Australian citizen's duty to avoid paying tax: I have lived in Australia and elsewhere all my life and have never paid one cent in tax". When he died the Australian Government gave him a state funeral. Guilt is not for the wealth it appears. For the ordinary Joe though, he must be checked and dou...

Catholic Church Propaganda Against Gays is Hypocritical

Is everyone fed up with churches interfering in free speech and actions? We all have the right to say what we feel as long as it not directed at specific people with different heritage or beliefs. However, churches want those who are not religious to shut up. They are virtually saying shut up or we will shut you up. Ironically, the state itself is responsible for much of this. It is absurd in this day and age for a parliament to be opened with prayers to a God who does not exist. It is all superstitious nonsense! Obviously, Australian Muslims are upset by prayers to a Christian God when some elected representatives are Muslims. At the moment the Catholic Church is targetting gay people to stop the majority pushing for gay marriage.  The Church has a program it is using in schools to try to brainwash our children. Surely, it should be taken to task for discrimination. Particularly when the Catholic Church has been harboring homosexuals for centuries - the main reaso...

Chasm Between Universitis and Industry is Still Wide

Scientists are jumping up and down welcoming the Commonwealth Science Council (CSC) saying it will breed market culture in science. The odd thing is this isn't the market in operation. It is managed interference in free scientific operations. Why should scientific research be managed at all? Another thing is, it will be chaired by the Prime Minister Tony Abbott. What does the PM know about science? The truth is he knows no more than the average person. He is not trained in science. The body will give advice. And you know what they say about advice - it is best ignored. The CSC will not improve the chasm between universities and industry. Academia has a good bond with industry in the US. Just why we cannot do the same in Australia is a mystery. A new referee in the ring like the CSC will not improve the boxing match. Industry and academia remain at odds. The blame really lies on the university side. They still live in their ivory towers being paid huge sums...