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Showing posts with the label welfare

Test is Forced on the Elderly - Care Homes

A forced asset test placed on elderly citizens attempting to enter aged care. This is a compulsory test for nursing care. ◘1 forced or elderly we test of care at Using am homes it aged test it forced news test he care an nursing ◘1 The government has discriminatory control over aged care homes. Furthermore, nursing homes show further discrimination by going along with federal authorities in Australia. An elderly person cannot pay full fee without being assessed for subsidy. Even if you are a millionaire and want no financial help you will still have your assets evaluated.         ◙2 aged ok forced in elderly to Using or homes test ◙2 In our capitalist system this is a shocking situation for people. Bureaucratic snooping around of one's finances is something no one wants. The tax office has a right to know. This is where it should end. We live in a nanny state, no doubt about it.   ⦿3 homes up test elderly forced nursing ⦿3 The ACAT form has t...

Australian Poor Vote Right Wing - Why?

Politics: Malcolm Turnbull favors is own class. Malcom Turnbull is hitting at the lower working class and the poor - blaming them for their situation. Though Australia appears to be a relatively "level" society, this is not the case. There is the same inequality here as in other Western countries. Increasing the cost of university places hits poor families. His children have been spoon-fed from the honey jar all their lives. The Prime Minister does not know what poverty is. The arrogance of the man when he says the states will pay the full cost of public schools while the federal government will subsidize private schools. It is obvious who he really cares about - the well-off. Increasing job finding training for the long-term unemployed is treating the effect not the cause. Unless the unemployed get better work skills they will remain on the dole. This is not their fault. Where are the poor going to get the money to pay for TAFE training now the government...

Refugees Mean Poverty, Unemployment and Economy Decline for Europe

More refugees are coming from the Middle East and Africa to Europe. This is putting a tremendous burden on European countries. It will bring three things: poverty, unemployment and economic cost. These people will not find accommodation. In all Western countries the cost of average housing has gone through the roof in the last decade. Europe has a relatively dense population already. Land for new building estates has mostly been exploited. Refugees do not have a nest egg of money for a deposit nor do they have established friends and relatives for help. They will live in parks for the rest of their lives. Almost all of the refugees are unskilled. There is a mass of unemployed native born people in European nations now. They have no future, so refugees face the same bleak future. Training is expensive. With freedom of movement to other countries in Europe no individual nation is going to pay to train non-citizens. let's face it only a small minority will ever ...

Government Believes Welfare Recipients Take Ice

The right wing Australian government continues its usury of welfare recipients. It treats them like trash, sorting them and throwing out who they deem to be ripping off society. Like treasurer Joe Hockey says, the welfare state has ended, while he continues to take a $1,000 handout each month for a house his wife owns in Canberra. Is there a link between the illegal use of the drug ice and those on Centrelink payments? There obviously isn't! However, the government plans to test all those receiving money. All Australians do not have equal rights. If you have a job you can continue to work being powered along by crystal methamphetamine. Drug taking will never be stopped despite the war by police instigated by government. In ancient times only medicine men and in some cases women had the knowledge of how to "potion-out" mind alternating chemicals. Their distorted "dreaming" was mistaken for contact with the afterlife. Today, everyone can easily ...

The Elderly Deserve a Pension

It is a pipe dream to raise the pension eligibility age and expect the elderly to go back to work. With thousands of young able bodied young people unemployed what kind of work are older people going to do? Employers will not have older workers unless there is some sort of financial benefit. It makes no sense to give this with all the youngsters looking for work. Furthermore, making the unemployed wait six months to get any money at all is absolutely irrational. How are they going to get food to eat? The crime rate will rapidly increase. We will be back to the days of being imprisoned for stealing an apple. Many of the young would like to see the accumulated assets of the elderly confiscated and given to them in benefits. Little goodwill is left in society. The old, worked 12 hour days, seven days a week in hard physical labor to gain their assets. The young today will only lift things under a certain weight. They use lifting machines to move heavy things around. ...

Dutch Prisoners to Pay a Fee

The welfare state is failing. Too any people rely on taxpayers money to live without contributing anything themselves. Basically, governments do not have the income from taxes to pay for it. Old age pensions are going with people being forced to pay into their own superannuation. In Europe, particularly, countries like Britain cannot afford welfare benefits for people who have moved there from other European nations. In the Netherlands prisoners will soon have to pay for their incarceration. The controversial bill will soon go through parliament. If you break the law it is your fault. There will be a charge for imprisonment and another fee for the police investigation. Leaving things as they are will result in 19 prisons having to close with the release of thousands of prisoners. If you cannot pay the fees while you are in prison you will have to pay it when you have moved back into society. Society by Ty Buchanan http://www.adventure--australia.blogspo...

Times Get Tougher for Sole Mothers

There is little sympathy for sole mothers from others in society or government. Social security payments have been tightened up by the federal Government. If sole mothers do not work they must go back to school, probably learning something that is useless for their future. Not many full-time workers have brought up children as well without paying someone else to care for their babies and toddlers. Older children are consistently being left alone as mothers do some sort of part-time work. This is reality. Part-time jobs do not pay well enough to provide money for carers. When Single mothers come home they not only look after their children, they must do all the household chores as well as do repair work to the home. The government's new harsher policy comes into force next January. Welfare payments will fall. Even those working part-time will lose some of the part-payment they get from social security. Children will be the real losers as food and heating/cooling are reduce...