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Showing posts with the label wages

Homelessness is the Future for Newstart Welfare Recipients - Society

Australians on welfare cannot afford to pay rent even with the $67 weekly subsidy. They get a job which is usually part-time, but they find that they are no better off. Fuel for their car, if they have one, or transport costs are at least $100 a week. With Centrelink now docking payments when recipients do the slightest thing wrong in their job applications, they are being pushed onto the streets. The number of homeless is going through the roof. It is rising at an alarming rate. Not only single people are affected. Parents with large families are in hardship as well. Of more than 65,000 houses surveyed just 10 could be secured by those on Newstart. Homes are available; though they can be taken only by renters on a good income. Buying a place to live will never be possible for low-income citizens. It is out of the question for all of them. Indeed, many families who successfully rent are having to make do with one and two bedroom residences. They need help now. Rents have...

The Ideal Working week

     ▶ Tests show that the ideal number of hours for working is less than 40. ideal working week respectful women men work next weekend contributor expressed time tweet ideal post story share signs fact times commenting women ideal at working linkedin avoid workweek breakthrough comments output ideal as working a week conversation guidelines work men website community writers log ideal at working to week follow people posts employees search leadership trending men work ideal an working a week career active information hours gallery loading contributors full job average comment opinions diabetes popular work research optimal personal | ▶ not stories news. |◀ | Science says that working more than 39 hours a week is not good for your health.  Long hours affects you mentally and physically.  You tend not to treat your body well, missing out on good food and sleep.  However, just how researchers reached 39 hours specifically is a mystery to me. ...

High Wage Rate a Problem for Australia

The overseas economic crisis is changing the perception of wage rates in Australia. Over recent months the Aussie dollar has fallen in value.  It helps exporters. The retail sector has also been calling for the dollar to be intentionally weakened. This is odd considering Australian consumers are heavily "addicted' to imports, so prices will probably rise in the shops. There will be an election in September. Any color of government will have to cut back on spending. This will mean higher unemployment. Therefore, despite inflation steadily rising there will be downward pressure on wages. There is already a glut of people seeking employment in the vegetable and fruit picking industry. When you go shopping a distinct feel of recession is in the air. With many buying online, the shops are almost devoid of shoppers. The lowest income earners have just been given a 2.6 per cent pay rise. This was done to redistribute income. Higher unemployment will prevent future artifi...