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Showing posts from January 3, 2018

Research has not Progressed Since HIV Patient was Cured

A cure for Aids became possible for a patient, but Medicine has not progressed from that time. research progressed research It's a miracle: a man is cured of HIV, the only man in the world ever to be cured as a matter of fact. This has not been replicated since. The patient was an American who was treated in Germany in 2007 for leukemia.   ⎳ research a progressed a since a With a hiv a patient a cured ⎳ research progressed hiv The treatment involved a stem cell transplant. A rare genetic mutation called CCR5-delta 32 was in the DNA of the donor. It was this that cured the disease. You would think a quest would have begun for other carriers of the useful molecular sport. Sadly, it was not done. The search continues for a cure by traditional chemical methods. Money drives research.    ⦿3 patient research b progressed b patient b since b With b hiv b patient b cured ⦿3 Some brave people are still quietly trying to understand why Timothy Ray Brown's life was chan...