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Showing posts with the label culture

Origin of Civilization Shown by Swedish Petroglyphs

 ▶Societies origin is told by rock carvings. They are preserved on rock - civilization.| origin or rock oh have so origin ah you on shown so you or have oh petroglyphs | age found. swedish ◀ | You don't think of Sweden as a place where Man's past has been recorded. However, petroglyphs which are image outlines marked in the rockface are common in that country. They have been maintained by people throughout the ages. The first "drawings" were made 4,000 years ago.      | of rock it sea you origin or civilization up have we shown of origin in you ho petroglyphs oh civilization la shown ha sea go have oh petroglyphs shown civilization or sea | Depictions show close affinity with the sea and nature. Bowmen hunt animals among longships. It is a mishmash of activity. Bulls and antlered stags are everywhere. There are even giants with spindly legs. Some similar sites are in the British Isles and Spain, the idea taken there by Scandinavians moving west. ...

Chinese Australians are not Loyal Citizens

 ▶ chinese are to the north of. chinese | mainland stories news.| loyal of subculture to china lost american loyal citizens ◀ | It seems Chinese australians do not have the welfare of the Nation first in their minds. Though many are born here their main allegiance is to Mainland China. This may be hard to believe but it is true. You see wherever these people live they see themselves as Chinese. Like recent immigrants who identify strongly with their hard-line religious beliefs, the subcultures are a danger to this country.     ||| australians chinese it china in mainland subculture australians citizens is or chinese of australians to loyal | The  Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS) is openly supportive of the Communist regime in China. So much so that it made a submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs. This is way out of line as far as I am concerned. They should concentrate on the job on community matters like aged-care and childcare. ...

Manners are Lacking in the Young

Mind your manners. "Sorry, I mean NOT sorry. I'm young I don't have any manners." Observation of people up the age of 35 years shows that few of them know anything about manners. The rules of behavior have died with the technicization of the world.          young interesting entertaining informative info data new tell talking young. The old courtesy of giving a lady your seat on a crowded bus has been forgotten. Today, men treat women as equals so a man would only consider a disabled old lady worthy of their seat. Of course, the majority would not change their "me first" for anyone.    young articles lacking manners utensils belongings and baggage accessories hear paragraph articles young funny stuff kaboodle lacking contrivances listen writing words kit read shebang young lacking rig attachments fittings trappings display provisions tackle young lacking young provisioning fixtures gadgets stock traps furniture apparatus young it lacking...

Organoid "Making" a Waste of Resources!

Scientists are creating tiny human organs from stem cells just for the sake of it. They hope that it will make for beneficial discoveries and applications in the future. Is it a waste of public and private money? It could be. There is an opportunity cost in using resources for wasteful projects. These tiny but useless mini-organs are called organoids. Indeed, Madeline Lancaster was messing-around" when she realized that she had grown a brain. Attempting to form embryonic stem cells from neural rosettes she accidentally succeeded. The floating milky substance floating in the culture was an embryonic brain - retina cells. A mass of different cells were found when the contents of the culture dish were closely analysed. Organoids seem to mimic the operation of full-sized natural organs. Eye, stomach, gut, kidney, liver, pancreas, lung, prostate and breast mini-organs have been made. They do mimic some of the functions of the real thing. Unfortunately, they remain e...

Laws Only Change Behavior for a Short Time

You cannot change the way people think. Legislating will change behavior for a time until civil unrest or violence moves things back to the way they used to be. This will be the case with Internet laws in Australia to stop piracy. Only when the programs demanded are made available at a fair price will piracy stop. The same will be true will new "compulsory" vaccination. Some people would rather go to jail than immunize their children. Their religious or moral beliefs may seem misguided to others, but such parents are entitled to their faith. Similarly, attempts to stop paracetamol poisoning will fail because society has been inculcated with the concept that you pop a Panadol when you feel the slightest pain. We learn this as children. A crying baby makes a mother reach for the paracetamol syrup. Babies love the sweet, fruity taste. Putting all analgesics on prescription will boost the income of doctors and pharmacists. The cheap brands will not be ava...

Closing Aboriginal Communities in WA is Immoral

You cannot change culture by legislation. The Western Australian government is closing remote Aboriginal communities citing poor health, suicide and not much work. Aboriginal children are brought up in "strong" communities where they learn local languages and rituals passed down for generations. Closing communities will result in total loss of language and culture. How can Aboriginals buy housing in cities? They have no tradition of hereditary wealth or access to education to better one's life. White governments are absolutely responsible for the situation of modern day Aboriginals. White people forcibly took this country from them and forced them into the margins of society where they have remained for centuries. What remote Aboriginals need is more money from government. They have a right to live on their ancestral lands. They were born there. The WA government will be closing rural towns next. Where does this end? If Aboriginals decide to move back ...

Australian Laws Lag Behind Technological Change

Culture changes steadily with technological development. Some values have their own inertia which means that they stay around for much longer. Legal adaptation to a new environment is very slow. We are living with laws suited to a pre-internet era. The Uber app took the world by storm. It spread through many countries and clashed with legal restrictions which were made for the benefit of taxi drivers and the public. Unfortunately, people do not like rapid change to the legal system. It upsets the way they live. Like the Chinese, Australians embrace new technology, much to the frustration of government. Whether it is legal or not we adopt new things. They "get in" because their is some legal framework that benefits some participants in the market place. New systems get under the barrier, so to speak. Australians seems to lead the world on illegal movie downloads. This is because the market is distorted. We pay over the odds for the latest films due to overpricing...

English Culture or Australian?

 Working Class Englishman. Oh hum. An Australian travelled the streets of London and asked people what they thought Australians were really like. It was amazing how many English people had visited the big dusty land. They all, of course, told bad stories about their trips. This is the thing you do when you get back home apparently. There is this mistaken belief that all ex-pat Australians live in Earl's Court. They used to, but not anymore. They think we all work in bars - even in Australia. The interviewees kept looking around for a backpack, which I didn't have. English people are obsessed about the Australian accent saying it is funny, even though it is more London than London. After all that is where most of the convicts came from. Furthermore, the English have some of the strangest accents in the world. They think that Kylie Minogue is the sole representative of Australia. All their beliefs are based on her. This is despite the fact that Kylie h...

Egyptian Mummification Began in Tribal Times

Scientists put all the facts together about a subject then reach a decision on what is truth. This decision is agreed upon by the majority of specialists in the area and becomes fact that is put forward in books and education. Unfortunately, time sometimes proves these "facts" to be wrong. Australian researchers using the latest findings have changed their view on the age of Egyptian mummies. The artifacts are now believed to be 1,500 years older than was put forward in the scientific literature. Mummification began as far back as 3,500BC. The original claim of 2,200BC was wrong. Even in prehistoric tribal times Egyptians embalmed their dead. Evidence from objects on show in Bolton Museum, England, proved the thesis. They were analysed and the shock discovery was made. Chemicals from an old embalming process were identified. This preservation of mainly the hands and heads of deceased people with high status began before written language was developed. ...

Australian Prime Minister Totally Wrong Saying Australia Was "Empty"

There isn't much doubt that we have the most "out of touch" prime minister in Australian history. He goes oversees and visits world leaders and says absolutely stupid things. It makes you wonder if he lives in the same world as everyone else. He blatantly believes that he didn't lie about what he would do if he won office. He has gone full circle and made cuts to areas he said he would not change. He takes voters for granted thinking they are as stupid as he is. Again, he has made a statement that the majority of Australians know to be untrue. He said Australia was unsettled when Europeans arrived. Color blindness seems to be one of his flaws. Suggesting that British investment made Australia what it is today is applying modern theory to times when economic theory was in its infancy. There was little understanding of investment in those days. Anyway, Britain's investment was really more people, unwanted in their homeland. The only real investment wa...