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Showing posts with the label canberra

Mad PM to Make Australia an Arms Producer

Australia's Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is blowing out of his rear end again. You may say he is a dreamer with the quickie ideas he comes up with. I call him a stupid hairhead. He says such silly things like this country becoming a leading world arms supplier and willingly handing over funds, while considering stopping unemployment benefits for all people under 30 years of age. ⎳ Mad x PM to Make x Australia x an x Arms x Producer | blog | ⎳ His theory of the trickle down effect has been proved not to work. Giving tax cuts to the already wealthy never puts money into the pockets of the working poor. The rich just hide more of their ill-gotten gains in the West Indies as the PM has done himself. He has no understanding of economics. You get to be a "successful" businessman like him by skimming off the income of others. Somehow you find a way to charge more for the goods you sell. You can also do this by stealing from your employees. Something that the turning...

Government to Use Small Tech Companies

| ▶ Moderately sized tech firms to be offered contracts in OZ. | stories news. | ◀ | Big tech companies like International Business Machines and Hewlett Packard have really messed up in their attempts to adequately complete subcontract jobs in Australia.  The census was a fiasco.  It was launched without even basic testing.   | ▶ Government at Use on Small up Tech of Companies | stories of news and for too all few number small or tech government. | ◀ | Assistant minister for digital transformation, Angus Taylor, said that $900 million would be spent yearly on smaller, innovative companies.  Unfortunately, he caused confusion by stating we will "be a better customer" while also pronouncing, "no handouts."  Surely these a mutually exclusive. | ▶ australian small Companies Government of Use up Small on Tech at Companies | articles minister ◀ |     Considering $9 billion is the expenditure each year on technical work in the public sector, ...

Sydney Versus Melbourne

There has always been a battle between Sydney and Melbourne over which city is the best. It is a longing to be seen as the capital of the country despite the nation having built an official capital in Canberra, ironically, midway between Sydney and Melbourne. Sydneysiders think little of claims by Melbourne. A recent world survey put Sydney at ninth as the world's most attractive cities. Melbourne didn't rank in the ten. The problem was that the researchers only knew of Sydney as an Australian city. This says a lot about how outsiders view Australia. Most capitals have the highest population of any other city in a country. Sydney clearly has the highest population. Though many Australian companies choose Melbourne as their base, overseas businesses go to Sydney. Furthermore, Sydney is the main distribution point for Australian news to the world. Thankfully, tourists from other countries do not come to Australia to experience city life. They get that at h...