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Showing posts with the label sex

Single Sex Schools Have Poor Outcomes - Society

Single sex schools are bad for society. Despite excited parents claiming that putting children in single sex classes improves life outcomes, in reality this is far from the truth. Single sex schools, for example, foster gender stereotyping for girls as well as boys. An extremely large study on students in 21 countries found those in mixed sex schools fared better than those in single sex schools. The cultural outlook nurtured by SS schools damaged students for life. It is about time this silliness is stopped, and the fad is put to rest. The world is not made up of one sex. Indeed, there are multiple sexual categories today. Everyone has to fit into this world. Molding people to strongly identify with one category puts them at a disadvantage.  It is not the curriculum that does the damage: it is the socialization process. Narrowly adhering to things about one's own sex does not make for efficient interaction with both males and females in the workplace. Principal...

Animal Biology Sheds Light on Bearded Dragon Sex Determination

The sex of central bearded dragon hatchlings is determined by the prevailing temperature during incubation. Some females carry male genes and behave like males. They are more confident and active than other females. The "tomboys" also have more offspring. Australian central bearded dragon Of great interest is how genetic and climatic factors affect gender. In lab test incubation, if the temperature was over 32 degrees females with male chromosomes hatched as females. Below 32 degrees the dragon expressed its genetic disposition and hatched as males. High temperature females were larger than males which is normal for the species. It appears that male type behaviors of these females is genetically determined. Some of the females were even bolder than normal males. Male chromosomes affect the brain which is driven to express male traits. Only one other animal has the feature of environmental and genetic factors determining sex - the skink. Other animal...

Wasps Favor Large Size for Sex

Size matters when it comes to sex. When in the orchid world it does anyway! The plants rely on wasps for fertilization. Apparently, male wasps are attracted to the largest orchids. Shape of plants also has a role. Orchids are a replica of female wasps, in shape and scent. Two orchids who had two kinds of wasps enamored with them were observed. The wasps did visited both types of plants but they spent more time "copulating' with their favored orchid. Scent is offered to male wasps on little black beads. This only attracts males to the flowers. Once there, shape and size of blooms affects whether wasps stay or go. Orchids also benefits from this because plants with larger flowers are fertilized and they produce the next generation of orchids. ◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog              ...

A Genetic Cause for Some With Gender Issues

The reason why people feel that they were born in the wrong body in regard to being male or female is motivational. It can be genetic or cultural in nature. It is complicated. Like homosexuality there could be social reasons why this path is chosen. It could be enculturation as a child. On the other hand, individuals just have the feeling that behaving in such a way is natural for them. Scientists have found that some people have an identification problem due to a genetic "condition". It is unfortunate that it has been called a disorder. An emotive argument is not needed. It has been given a name: craniosynostosis. The FGFR2 gene is mutated and causes sex reversal in the XY chromosomes. About two per cent of the general population is born with a gender issue. This can have physical consequences such as endocrine complications, infertility or gonadal cancer. A baby born this way faces multiple surgeries. It should be noted, however, that people with a ge...

Vasopressin Gene Makes Women Promiscuous

Do you think that extramarital relationships are morally wrong? Well, ninety one percent of people do. However, men are predisposed to wander due to their genes. A fifth of married men had on the side affairs over the last two decades. More than 10 per cent of women who are "programmed" to be loyal to one man also had liaisons. The most common excuse given is that the marital relationship is not fulfilling. Of course, the proclaimed reason has little to do with the motivation. Other reasons put forward are moral flaws of one party, or this is the thing to do int today's society . Throughout history men have been away from home sowing their wild oats to increase the number of offspring, while their partners remained tied to the kitchen to feed the couple's children.  There have always been women who have not followed this path who have lived a profligate existence. A new slant on this is that some women have the vasopressin receptor gene which make...

Bright Plumage in Male Birds to Attract Females is Proven

Some scientists are playing with the truth about colorful plumage in male birds. They are claiming that bright colors as well as dull colors in females are to assist in blending into the environment. This is rot. Bright colors always stand out from any background. Because just under half of bird species have females with brighter plumage than males, this supposedly proves their case. Have they considered that females need to be attractive to males as well? They predict that bright plumage will be lost in evolution. It hasn't lost been so far and there is no support for this claim. Female humans are different than males and it should stay this way. There is no evolutionary pressure for it not to continue. Birds are no different. The premise "that both natural selection and sexual selection were (are) influential to bird coloration" is not substantiated in their research. This is just an opinion. There is no proof. Indeed, evidence for this view is virt...

Should Gay Sex be Banned?

People are becoming complacent. They believe that governments will take care of contagious disease. or think that severe sickness will not come close to them. They are wrong, Cases of Ebola in the US and Europe have shown we are all in danger. Even governments are not supporting the crisis in Africa by giving money. All Westerners seem to be selfish, living their own lives in the quest for more pleasure, not accepting the truth.  Ebola is a terrible disease with no cure. Disease is creeping up on us. Antibiotics no longer work. Syphilis for example, is at its highest level ever in Australia. We don't seem to care. More people are getting AIDS everyday.  Expensive long term treatment is the only answer for those who become ill. The way we live is the greatest problem. Societies seem to brush it under the carpet. However, AIDS and syphilis are mostly spread by gay men, yet cultures are increasingly making gay practices legal.  Everything seems to be ...

Menstruation is Not Happening at a Younger Age

Just when a girl has her first period is genetically based. It is determine by more that 100 parts of the the human genome. It is not affected by more good food, etc., as was once believed. Furthermore, good food intake is not making girls menstruate earlier. Going into adulthood sooner is a danger to health. The chances of getting type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and breast cancer is increased. These findings come from an international study carried out in 166 institutions. It seems that diseases are usually limited to a few parts of the genome, while menstruation involves a surprisingly large number. It is whole-body function. Indeed, one's physical and social surroundings could also play a part in triggering genes. Yes, a better diet has lowered the onset of menstruation from 17 years of age in the 1800s to 12.5 years in the 1960s. Since that time, however, it has remained at that point. It must be noted that many diseases that delayed the onset of ...

No Freedom in Federal Politics

It seems very odd and even selfish for a leader to prevent a conscience vote just to get his own way. This is the only conclusion that can be reached when Tony Abbott, an ardent Catholic, will not give members of the Liberal Party freedom to vote as they like on same-sex marriages. It is common knowledge that the majority of the Coalition would vote to support it if freedom was given. Julia Gillard was just as bad when she was Prime Minister and would not allow the Labor party a conscience vote. Australia is too conservative for the rest of the world on same-sex marriage. We have been left behind. Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is one of the "dictators". He says, there is "no room for a personal view". These fossils are living in 18th century mode. The whole world is going down the road of more freedom. This issue will not go away. Private members' bills will continually be resubmitted, until rationality ultimately wins. Tanya Plibersek could ...