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Showing posts with the label rocks

Australia is Composed of Different Geological Parts

Australia made up of varied geological sections, different parts, composed, years * australia b composed b in b different b geological b parts b australia. years * Most people believe Australia to be a uniform continent where all places are geologically the same. Drill holes now show an australia ocean in the west and a mountain range. The eastern states are more recent.  âŽ³ australia a composed a in a are a different a geological a parts ⎳ The composite land mass is very old, becoming a continent 55 million years ago with Western Australia mainly comprised of sand dating back 4,374 million years. The Yilgarn craton is the large base slab. North of this is the Pilbara craton.   ⦿3 composed up u parts geological ⦿3 One thousand eight hundred years ago three proto-continents joined to form a major part of what would later be Australia. They can be identified as analogous to present day South Australia. the Northern Territory and Western Australia.   ⧗ blog on geolog...

Madjedbebe Shows Age of Aboriginal Occupation

madjedbebe is having a disrupting effect on Australian culture, shows things that have been taught for centuries. â—˜1 shows of madjedbebe a that is an age shows madjedbebe for aboriginal shows on madjedbebe australia age occupation notable aboriginal madjedbebe age shows madjedbebe future occupation shows â—˜1 Aboriginals have always known that they have been in Australia for much longer than academics say.  Scientific testing of sediment in a human shelter at Madjedbebe indicates 65,000 to be the correct time. There could be other evidence out there pushing thIs even further back.  Sand grain exposure to light pinpointed the period of occupation.         â—™2 aboriginal age then on occupation shows chain age aboriginal blog â—™2 This has implications for when Man left Africa and spread across the world. Travel through Southeast Asia into Australasia was the furthest humans got in the first exodus. It was found that early inhabitants did not flake fli...

Bill Shopf's WA Rocks are not Microfossils

The conclusion reached by Bill Schopf that tiny carbon-rich filaments in Pilbara rock of Western Australia show the presence of fossils is now proved to be incorrect. There has been debate about the issue since Bill Schopf made his announcement. Tests indicate that they are just rocks. Professor Martin Brasier first highlighted the problem in 2002, when he claimed that the rocks were part of a high-temperature thermal vein. In other words they were not sedimentary in nature. New high-spacial resolution examination indicates stacks of clay-like mineral plates in the rocks' structure. Carbon has been absorbed into the worm-like chains giving the impression of cell walls.  Carbon distribution was completely wrong for microfossils. The "mischievous" clay plates are the culprit in leading scientists astray in their findings. Authentic microfossils just as old as the Shopf example have recently been found in Western Australia, so the claim for the oldest fossi...

Animal Lost

"Where am I?"   ✿ Funny Animal Photos

Bear Down Here

"We are down here!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos Vista Computer Solutions Blog ------- Australian Blog -------

Asteroids Can Have Magnetic Fields

It has been found that asteroids can have magnetic fields. This was quite a surprise. Planets have magnetic fields due to a moving molten metal core. Mercury has a very strong field. The reason for this is not yet known. Vesta is a large asteroid with a diameter of 525 kilometer. It was first identified in 1807 by Heinrich Wilheim Olbers. It is the most easily seen asteroid from Earth. Smaller asteroids hit Vesta and some of the debris falls to Earth. The fallen "rocks" can be linked to Vesta because they have the same spectral color match. Vesta is unusual for an asteroid as it once had a crust, mantle and molten metal core. The orbiting dawn spacecraft/satellite confirms this. It is now frozen and no longer active. A meteor named Alan Hills A81001 composed of Vestan crust fell to Earth in the Arctic. When it was analysed it was found to have a weak magnetic field.  The original crust gained  a magnetic field when it cooled 3.7 billion years ago. An impact a...