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Showing posts with the label woodland

Florida Melaleuca Invasion Stopped by Weevil

 ▶ Southern Florida has had a problem in its swampland. The pesky melaleuca from Oz has been outgrowing natural plants. Weevil rescue || everglades trees entomology vegetation insect forest habitats spread biological biodiversity wetlands || notable new public invasion form florida compose melaleuca web have screen new syllables mind florida keyboard melaleuca stopped you write invasion shown pen you pencil word | age found. new quotes florida blog invasion feel stopped weevil florida || ||◀ | Move something to a place where it isn't it is asking for trouble. The Australian tree melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) was introduced to south Florida a century ago. It took over and became a weed.         | pest florida paragraph phrase new comprehend book monitor melaleuca page new letters stopped vowels dot comma capital consonants create new make melaleuca solid pest | An effective way to fight such a pest is to bring something else from the country ...

Origin of Civilization Shown by Swedish Petroglyphs

 ▶Societies origin is told by rock carvings. They are preserved on rock - civilization.| origin or rock oh have so origin ah you on shown so you or have oh petroglyphs | age found. swedish ◀ | You don't think of Sweden as a place where Man's past has been recorded. However, petroglyphs which are image outlines marked in the rockface are common in that country. They have been maintained by people throughout the ages. The first "drawings" were made 4,000 years ago.      | of rock it sea you origin or civilization up have we shown of origin in you ho petroglyphs oh civilization la shown ha sea go have oh petroglyphs shown civilization or sea | Depictions show close affinity with the sea and nature. Bowmen hunt animals among longships. It is a mishmash of activity. Bulls and antlered stags are everywhere. There are even giants with spindly legs. Some similar sites are in the British Isles and Spain, the idea taken there by Scandinavians moving west. ...

Languages Falling in Number With Deforestation

Human societies change as the climate changes. Man is a clever animal. He uses his mind to overcome obstacles in nature. When we came down from the trees the first changes were made. This sped up our evolution to become more intelligent. With evolutionary advancement certain things are lost. Tree clearing has led to an unforeseen event : languages are disappearing. Some, usually forest living , people speak more than a dozen languages. However, their tribes are decreasing in number as more contact with advanced societies and destruction of the environment they live in continues. Papua New Guinea still has about 1,000 languages. Isolation is diminishing so more dialects are lost as times goes on. It has been said that as biodiversity falls so languages decrease in number. However, less biodiversity is an effect of less forestation rather than a causal factor. Forest living people are moving to cities to find work as their livelihood disappears. Furthermore, g...

Rain Forest in Northern Australia Doing Well

The northern part of Australia is getting hotter, but it is no drier. A comparison of data from the 1950s and the present shows the borders between rain forest and eucalyptus forest remained the same. However, the density of rain forest increased by 732 ha. Neither drainage, geology, topography, aspect or elevation are responsible. The climate has definitely changed. Despite a series o f El Nino dry spells since the 1950s, the country is becoming wetter. This rain forest expansion has slowed over the last 2000 years, with 25 per cent being tall open forest. Eucalyptus forests are spread out in irregular shaped pockets which are very stable. Higher CO 2 is responsible for the increasing density of rain forest. The humidity keeps damage from fires low. Overall, this is good news for the world generally. Brazilian rain forest stores 250-300 C ha –1 (carbon per hectare) . Though Australian rain forest stores less, it is still significant. There is a possibility that local f...