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Showing posts with the label hen

Female Birds Have Evolved Not to Sing?

Do you like to go outdoors in the morning, stretch your arms and listen to the birds singing?  Chances are the bird sounds come from male birds.  The "new" theory is that females evolved not to sing to protect their eggs and young from predators.  Is is only a theory of course.  There is no substantial proof. It is supported by one case say scientists.  The fairywren's clutch is considered the most likely to fall prey to a predator during breeding time because she sings constantly.  This is weak proof.  Birds like humans can choose to remain silent.  Why hasn't she evolved to remain silent when breeding?  There is a reason why fairy wren females sing while sitting on eggs.  They do so to "talk" to their mates, who answers back with a similar but slightly different song. Quail eggs were planted in the field and a recording of fairywren chatter was played back.  We have a correlation folks: predators ate the eggs.  The more so...

Bright Plumage in Male Birds to Attract Females is Proven

Some scientists are playing with the truth about colorful plumage in male birds. They are claiming that bright colors as well as dull colors in females are to assist in blending into the environment. This is rot. Bright colors always stand out from any background. Because just under half of bird species have females with brighter plumage than males, this supposedly proves their case. Have they considered that females need to be attractive to males as well? They predict that bright plumage will be lost in evolution. It hasn't lost been so far and there is no support for this claim. Female humans are different than males and it should stay this way. There is no evolutionary pressure for it not to continue. Birds are no different. The premise "that both natural selection and sexual selection were (are) influential to bird coloration" is not substantiated in their research. This is just an opinion. There is no proof. Indeed, evidence for this view is virt...

Chicken Tippler

"Even a chicken likes a tipple now and again." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos

Dog Chick

"I did have one very large egg." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos