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Showing posts with the label creation

God Was Experimenting in His Seven Days of Work

No! God did not make us. Well he didn't have a plan anyway. It appears that life is just a mad chemistry experiment. People are just complicated worms with big brains. Our digestive system is really a worm.   ⎳ God x Was x Experimenting x in x His x Seven x Days x of x Work ⎳ It was inevitable that cells which devoured others for sustenance would ultimately become elongated and push out the poo at one end while consuming living creatures at the other.  All animals have worm-like intestines. ⦿ God y Was y Experimenting y in y His y Seven y Days y of y Work || days experimenting process cycle life chemical ||⦿ A pre-life process existed first. It is the citric acid cycle. This is the basis of an animal using oxygen to produce energy. Enzymes evolved to make the process work. They improve the chemical reactions.  Molecules did not sit and look at each: they interacted. ➤ God z Was z Experimenting z in z His z Seven z Days z of z Work ➤ The Krebs cycle had two precursors, th

Life on Saturn's Moon Titan - Chemistry

Science sees life on Saturn's moon Titan. Looking for alien life on planets like our own is tunnel vision. Believing that life can only exist on planets in the "sweet" belt is silly. The universe is a place of commonalities, yes. However, it has many types of environments from the very cold to the extremely hot. Saturn's moon, Titan, could have microbial life even though it is indeed frigid. The body has all the chemical requirements for life creation to occur. Titan is a carbon copy of Earth, except the lakes and rivers are methane not water. Much of new science is bringing down temperatures so that chemical reaction can be controlled, so it is nonsense to premise that there is not sufficient energy for molecular interaction to happen at -179C on Titan. The key chemical hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is present on Saturn's satellite. Martin Rahm of Cornell university holds that the clouds of Titan could absorb energy from the distant Sun. The energy w

Life on Saturn's Moon Titan - Chemistry

Science sees life on Saturn's moon Titan. Looking for alien life on planets like our own is tunnel vision. Believing that life can only exist on planets in the "sweet" belt is silly. The universe is a place of commonalities, yes. However, it has many types of environments from the very cold to the extremely hot. Saturn's moon, Titan, could have microbial life even though it is indeed frigid. The body has all the chemical requirements for life creation to occur. Titan is a carbon copy of Earth, except the lakes and rivers are methane not water. Much of new science is bringing down temperatures so that chemical reaction can be controlled, so it is nonsense to premise that there is not sufficient energy for molecular interaction to happen at -179C on Titan. The key chemical hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is present on Saturn's satellite. Martin Rahm of Cornell university holds that the clouds of Titan could absorb energy from the distant Sun. The energy would be suf