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Showing posts with the label world

Australian Government Plans Nuclear Power Near Aboriginals - Albanese

The Australian government has opened the way for Australia to have nuclear power stations. The Liberal/National Party government (note these are not liberals: they are right wing conservatives) plan to lift the ban. Anthony Albanese leader of Labor says that the ending the ban is fantasy. Why would Australia even want such a dangerous electricity generation system when it is fourth on the planet in coal reserves and is ranked even higher on quality coal. Just like Donald Trump this business government is in gaga land. Their fantasy is to put power stations and hide the waste on Aboriginal land - let Aboriginals die of radiation poisoning. We have only to look to Japan to see what can happen. Remember Chernobyl and One Mile Island? People are filling up the planet. There nowhere to pur contaminated waste. The current Australian government treat Aboriginals as third class citizens even after illegal immigrants. Aboriginals have had their unemployment benefits taken away. Their wiv...

Animals are Evolving to Cope With City Life

You may think humans are changing to adapt to city life. However, animals living in cities are evolving faster. Metabolisms of the little creatures are running hot. In Puerto Rico, anole lizards can travel across concrete due to changes in their feet structure. Charles Darwin did get things wrong. Evolution does not just happen over tens of thousands of years. It is dynamic. Alterations are rapid. PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) levels rise in cities and it will kill some animals. The mummichog fish has quickly evolved to survive the poisonous chemical. The shorter the lifespan of living organisms the faster they evolve. A long-time resident of cities is the European blackbird. It has developed more practical beaks and songs. Moreover, their digestive system can digest food scraps discarded by people. Urban blackbirds no longer migrate. Mosquitoes in the London Underground have changed dramatically. They breed one-on-one, not in the clouds of mozzies in a sexual frenzy like their...

Way of Life Severely Affected by Climate Change

Our grandchildren will not enjoy the natural environment as we do. Yes, visits are organized for sightseers, but at least we have something to look at. We ignore the damage we do at our peril. This couldn't care less attitude has to change. Water shortages will become normal in urban areas and country regions. Ironically, Australiasia is experiencing a lot of rain at the moment. Will this continue? Perhaps the nation is becoming more tropical. However, El Niño will return eventually. When the weather is hot, plants and people do not do so well. There is plenty of food available in Western countries now. This could change with a persistent drying climate. The West does not seem to care about those suffering famine in Africa. Starvation and malnutrition could happen at home. Animal and plant biodiversity also suffers from severe change. In the last decade 50 percent of native animal species have died out in Australia. When an organism meets its demise the whole ecosystem ...

Single Sex Schools Have Poor Outcomes - Society

Single sex schools are bad for society. Despite excited parents claiming that putting children in single sex classes improves life outcomes, in reality this is far from the truth. Single sex schools, for example, foster gender stereotyping for girls as well as boys. An extremely large study on students in 21 countries found those in mixed sex schools fared better than those in single sex schools. The cultural outlook nurtured by SS schools damaged students for life. It is about time this silliness is stopped, and the fad is put to rest. The world is not made up of one sex. Indeed, there are multiple sexual categories today. Everyone has to fit into this world. Molding people to strongly identify with one category puts them at a disadvantage.  It is not the curriculum that does the damage: it is the socialization process. Narrowly adhering to things about one's own sex does not make for efficient interaction with both males and females in the workplace. Principal...

We are Heading for a Protectionist World - Tariffs Will Return!

More jobs for the US economy. Globalization has failed. Countries are distinct cultures. Working life may be the same, but the values people live by are much different, particularly in regards to religion. Jobs have been lost in developed countries as so called developing countries keep labor costs down by manipulating their currencies and not giving their workers social welfare support. Americans want jobs A case in point is Australia's compulsory superannuation. This was a silly idea to begin with as companies went to the wall and workers lost all their super. This is a cost burden on wage costs. Employees must live now, so wages rose to leave enough current spending after paying in superannuation. This is seldom mentioned by economists let alone governments. Developing countries do not have this cost burden. No wonder Donald Trump is supported by a large slice of the American population. He promises to put up trade barriers to create jobs at home. His re...

The Truth Of 9/11

Dr. Niels Harrit vehemently argues his case in Danish courts. He is challenging a newspaper which published an article criticising the doctor's finding that the collapse of World Trade Center 3 was a controlled demolition. His conclusion is based on solid scientific evidence : analysis of nano-thermite found in WTC dust proves his premise. The truth of 9/11 will probably never be known. How did terrorists freely circumvent US security to carry out their mission? They went about their business as they wished. The only fight came from passengers on a hijacked plane. Did the US government and powers that be want justification for actions in the Middle East and Asia that were already pre-planned? According to Dr. Harrit The US itself was "organising" the 9/11 attacks. This was surprisingly not known by Osama bin Laden. Apparently, the US knew exactly what was about to take place and when. The evidence gathered by the doctor proves this beyond any doubt. It was all...

Rulers of the World - Pheidole Ants

Man is not the only animal to dominate the Earth. Pheidole ants have spread over all the livable continents. They are so common that a walk in a tropical forest means some are killed by just stepping forward. There are 1,200 species of the genus Pheidole . Each has developed to exist in a particular niche of the ecosystem. In a study of 300 species it has been found that certain species evolved similar characteristics independently. Species proliferated dramatically - from one to 600 species in the Americas. The evolutionary goal was to dominate all niches, first in the New World then in the Old. Expansion across one was independent of the other. Evolution took its own course. Ants are essential for healthy ecosystems. They aerate the soil, disperse seeds and help move nutrients. In biomass they equate with all vertebrates. Their study is indeed important ✴ Biology by Ty Buchanan ✴ http://www.tysaustralia...

We are Heading Toward a Drugged-Up World

A new survey has found that school children under 17 years who smoke cannabis are less likely to complete their high school education. This is not surprising as cannabis "kills" the rational part of the brain and makes users impulsive, unable to control their actions. Addicts are driven through a path in life from one pleasurable thing to another. They avoid all uncomfortable situations immediately, seeking the nearest pleasure at hand. This is why they end up breaking the law and becoming incarcerated. Suicide is high amongst cannabis users because good experiences are not always for the taking. When one works at a job it is not pleasant, nor is it truly sought after. However, unless the discomfort is suffered there will be no pleasure from spending the income. Legalization for medical use is another step toward general access. Many young people are already unfit for the workforce because schools do not teach work related skills. Education needs radical r...

World War Looming That Russia Cannot Win

The situation in Ukraine could be leading to a world war. Putin could also be doing the world a favor because Russia and China are decades behind the U.S. in war technology. If a war breaks out now the West would clearly win. Their isn't much doubt about this. Leading in scientific weaponry has always favored the side that is ahead. It is certain that what is left of Ukraine, if there isn't a world war now, will push Ukraine to join NATO. Putin thinks his actions will prevent this happening. This is a great strategic mistake on his part. Adding eastern Ukraine onto Russia will make the rest of the Ukrainian people fearful. A new cold war could result instead of a war, Probably a face off of missiles along the remaining Russian-Ukrainian border, much like North and South Korea. The thing is, Russia is a very small target. The West is a very large one. How can Russia possibly defeat the whole West. It isn't possible. Russia is heading for further iso...

Evidence of Tiny Pygmy Aboriginals

Did tiny people ever live in Australia?  There is photographic evidence of pygmy-like Aboriginals being here, but ignored by scientists. They are widely seen in Aboriginal rock art and are spoken of in Aboriginal mythology. To native Australians pygmy people are here with us all the time. They are just out of our vision. Apparently there are thousands of them living in the vast outback where no "physical" people live. They are mischievous, playing tricks on us all the time. Older Aboriginals say they remember seeing them. This is like the local people on the Indonesian island of Flores , where little people died out ten thousand years ago. Obviously, there is some truth in myth and living people really believe they have actually seen them. There seems to be different types of Aboriginal pygmies and each lives in its own dimension of reality. It is fact that there were two types of Aboriginals on Bribie Island in Queensland and they didn't intermarr...

Who Do We Owe Money To? It isn't Real!

Everyone is in debt. That seems to be the case. But if we all owe money to whom are we indebted? Who are these fat cats who spend their days on the beach having cool drinks brought to them while they while away the time sunbathing? If truth be known the money does not actually exist. It has been created in the books of independent and national banks. In centuries passed the local blacksmith acted as the bank. Gold, silver and promissory notes were left in his safe. He soon became aware that the "goods" left for safe keeping would not be taken out by the owner for a very long time, if ever. For storing the valuable minerals and promissory notes he gave promissory notes in return. This meant that he could create money. He could also give loans, a large part of which would return directly back because the debtor opened a new account. When large private banks started, governments gave an assurance that a run on an institution would be protected by public money. We have see...