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Showing posts with the label heat

Life Began in Puddles Near Volcanoes

Chemistry: Life began near an active volcano in a freshwater puddle. Use your imagination and assume that life began in a puddle of fresh water near an active volcano. Molecules begin to "see" each other and unite into a larger whole. They become membranes, the envelopes of future life. Like a chicken's egg the membrane shell is the holding structure where chemicals are assembled for incubating lifeforms. RNA was the first significant biological molecule. This has a basic form of repeating subunits. A simple molecule perhaps. but difficult for a primitive Earth to "create". Yet it came into existence. Membrane were required for chemicals to grow into RNA. The fatty, lipid molecules in membranes formed easily. Lipids assist the building of RNA, then it forms a protective coating. This was the first primitive cell. As soon as some RNA replicated, lifeforms began to evolve becoming more complex. This occurred in fresh water which was heated and coo...

Plastics are the Future for Solar Cells

The path to develop better solar energy products from silicon are exhausted. Other materials need to be examined to provide more efficient solar panel operation. Scientists are analyzing a wide spectrum of materials. Plastics show a great deal of promise, particularly at the molecular level. Organic sem-conductors appear to be the key to future developments. This is a type of plastic that conducts electricity.  More effective conductivity seems to be the key not so much heat generation. It is expensive to make silicon conductors for solar cells. OSCs can be manipulated at the molecular level to reduce energy loss, thus more energy is accumulated. Improved efficiency will see the whole production method change for solar cells.   ★ ✿   Economics by Ty Buchana n   ✿ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog   ...

Battery Technology Not Advancing Quickly Enough

Despite claims that battery technology will improve over the next few years, the battery has remained the same for half a century. Sure base materials that make the battery store electricity have changed, but not that much in recent years. All the same battery technology Due to mass production and increasing demand the price of batteries will fall. This is just economics really. The cost of Solar has fallen 80 per cent in five years. Don't expect batteries for your phone or tablet to fall this much though. The great hope is that advances in solar technology in electrical catchment and storage can be "transferred" to other products. Communication and motor vehicle manufacturers could be putting too much faith in this, however. It may not happen. Batteries can be charged in a matter of minutes now. The future could see people carrying a "spare" mobile phone power pack in their pocket. Exchange stations could spread and be ubiquitous everywhe...

The Reason for the Sodium-Water Explosion is Answered

Many answers have been found for mysterious things in nature. As time moves on most of the reasons why things are have been answered. A few common scientific "happenings" still persist. If sodium is placed in water it explodes. The why has now been identified. A sodium-water explosion was filmed on high-speed cameras. The flash is caused by sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gases being release when water upsets the balance. Heat creates a point of ignition. The mystery is that released hydrogen gas should enclose the sodium thus stopping the explosive reaction. Like life itself the answer lies in electricity. All life, such as the nervous system, functions by the flow of electrical current. When the film of a sodium-water explosion was slowed down electrons (as metal spikes) were seen to jump from sodium into the water. The sodium becomes positive while the water also remains positive because of its mass. Like with magnetism two positive poles repel. ...

Storm Damage Will Affect Australia's Economy

The future does not look good for Australia. People fail to grasp the fact that as climate change "bites" the economy will suffer. Erratic weather patterns will affect food production. There will be shortages and prices will rise. Insurance will become unaffordable as claims get bigger and disasters happen more often. Just one incident on November 27 caused a half a billion dollars of damage in Brisbane. At present, crises seem to be occurring more often. We are told this isn't yet the case, but they are getting stronger. Hotter more humid conditions are causing this. Water will surely lead to some damage. Strong winds will be the greatest danger. Only strong storms hitting populated areas are reported, yet they happen all over the country. There is a concentration on the Eastern Seaboard, however. Another increasing problem is hail. More of it means a higher number cars will be written off. Storms are predicted to double by the end of the cen...

Heat Kills

Everyone knows that Australia is a hot country, perhaps not as hot as Africa. Nonetheless, it can get "stinking hot" here. In the past, some regions have experienced 10 days or more with temperatures close to 40 degrees Centigrade (100 Fahrenheit). We are going through a cool period now with La Niña . However, this winter has been the warmest on record. There seems to be rain along the coast, hardly any inland. This is an odd situation. La Niña should make it wet everywhere. Australians treat heat as a way of life, knowing that the cool will end and the scorchers will soon arrive. Most do not know that heat is the country's greatest killer. If asked in the street, most would not believe this. Combine deaths caused by bushfires, storms and cyclones. The number will not be near as many who die from heat. Research has shown that most heat related deaths occur on January 27. This is a day after Australia Day, a bank holiday where people celebrate wit...

Efficient Solar Panel Paint Developed

There is about to be a revolution and it is not wearable technology. A spray on paint to quickly make solar panels has been perfected. The paint's main ingredient is perovskite - a calcium titanium oxide mineral. Furthermore, it costs very little. Soon cheaper solar panels will be flooding out of factory production lines. They will be used everywhere - even on wearables! Perovskite is twice as effective as current spray-on solar collectors. The environment will be "covered all over" with this new effective paint. Every surface facing upward whether on something mobile or static will have this coating. Dramatic change will seen on buildings. Indeed, it will be available in many colors and will become an important part of the designed environment. Battery powered cars will have the paint completely covering the vehicle. It will become as common as ordinary paint is today. Technology by Ty Buchanan ...

Cool Dog

"You have to cool down in the right place." Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Water is the Problem not Oil

We are obsessed with the oil crisis. So much so that we fail to see other problems that face us in the near future. For example, what about fresh drinking water. If nothing is done soon, the world will be in crisis. Even countries with cold climates, in Europe, are facing a shortage of potable water because of the high population density. As people become Westernized they consume more water. They change from bathing when they can, to having showers every day. Production oil also impacts on the availability of water. it takes 2.5 liters of water to produce every liter of oil. Even growing bio fuels puts pressure on water, with a thousand liters of water needed to make a liter of bio fuel. The modern way of life is water "heavy": Wealthy people use 3,000 liters of water each day to live their lives. More drought in the world is putting prices of everything up. When water gets short it does so locally. Moving water from one place to another in bulk is problematical. In the shor...

Evolution is Faster in the Tropics

It seems that with climate change we will lose some species but gain new ones - or have new "changed" species. Some species living at high altitudes have been changing as mountain tops become warmer with climate change. It was believed that accelerated evolution only occurs in cold regions, but it has been discovered that it also happens in the tropics. While it has been accepted for a long time that plants and marine protists evolve faster, the process has only recently been recognized in mammals. What is unusual is that mammals are not directly affected by a warming climate because they naturally maintain a steady body heat. It is now believed that evolution in the tropics is even faster that in temperate regions. There is a greater diversity of species in the tropics. This faster evolution and more species means that adaptation to changing conditions is rapid. The faster evolution actually makes for many more types of animals. There must be something else, however, t...