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Showing posts with the label planets

UFOs Fly Worldwide

     Unidentified flying objects are about again with sights across the planet. â–¶ articles stories news impediments attachment things read accessories shebang outfit things articles up stories on news array belongings utensils ornaments rig writing baggage words articles at stories it news happening Attachments vestiges devices tools setup appliances articles as stories in news fashion gadgets machinery equipage contraptions kit material articles an stories furnishings teams collections and listen habiliments apparatus articles paragraph display kaboodle traps contrivances taking provisions fittings sets appurtenances facilities fixtures tackle gadget article pad trappings ear provisioning stock accompaniments furniture | in of |â—€ | What is going on here? UFOs are knocking about again. You would think that with the large number of commercial flights and the boosted observation of today that the myth would be put to rest. This is not the case, however, with more sig...

An Attempt to Get Survivors to Another Planet Is Futile

Australian astronomers are searching for planets in other solar system that could sustain human life. Dr Charley Linweaver says Mankind is reaching the beginning of the end. It's time to look for a way out at least for a small group of people.  The number of planets identified orbiting other suns now exceeds 750. Though a few of these could be like the Earth, exact information is lacking. The objective of getting people to such a distant destination is way "off the planet" at present. We do not have the technology to get people in orbit around other planets in our own solar system, let alone reaching a far away planet and landing safely. Finding an identical planet to Earth is just not possible. This planet is a freak in regard to the universe. Most planets do not have life because they are regularly hit by asteroids and even other planets. Sending probes to  a possible twin planet would be a waste of time. It would literally take a lifetime to get a message ba...

Venus Orbit Not Constant

It is presumed that planets are changing orbital speed at exceedingly slow rates and it will take millions of years for any significant alteration in the "balance" of orbits in the solar system. This theory has recently been confounded. Venus was thought to be in a fixed orbit of 243.0185 days, but when astronomers went looking for it, it was found 20 kilometers further back than it should have been. Calculations showed the orbit had slowed by 6.5 minutes. This will mean that computer computations will have to be altered for future planetary probes to Venus. This is a drastic rethink for scientists. For some reason Venus is affected more by fierce weather conditions and planetary gravitational interaction than other planets. There could be a simpler explanation. Venus could be travelling at different rates in its orbit due to getting close to other planets. It could be a normal slow down period. http://www.tysaustrali...

Australian UFO Files Lost

Don't bother doing research on UFOs in Australia: the files have disappeared. The Sydney Morning Herald put in a freedom of information request to write a story. It is feared that the files have been destroyed. Data only remains for UFOs at Woomera. It is not really a problem because the Australian Government stopped collecting new data in 2000. Much of the interesting stuff has already been published in books. UFO buffs are of course calling it a government conspiracy. If there are aliens out there please make your presence known to all of us. It is so silly playing hide and seek. If you did visit our leaders it had no effect. They obviously feel you are not worth talking about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Society

Debate Ensues Over the Number of Dwarf Planets

The solar system is full of planets. Australian scientists have found a dozen or so dwarf planets in our small part of the galaxy. Pluto is not alone as a dwarf planet. The definition of a dwarf is it must be round and be more than 400 kilometers across. This definition is not accepted by everyone. Many say if a body is large enough to be round due to innate gravity then this should be enough. Some objects as small as 200 kilometers in diameter are round. Some are still upset by Pluto's demotion from Planet . Others say it is not a planet because its orbit is out of kilter with planets. The classification of Pluto as "dwarf" was caused by the discovery of other objects like Pluto. Eris, Makemake and Sedna are similar to Pluto. Only five dwarf planets are classed as such at the moment. Thousands of other bodies out are just waiting to be classified, If the pressure continues there will probably be more. http://www.tysaustralia....