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Showing posts with the label institutions

Victoria University Money by Deceit

   Academica lie to customers for profit.| university on collections deceit words degree and read paragraph stuff rig kit traps utensils money in university in belongings show listen fittings vestiges setup provisioning university to deceit fashion tackle sets gadget fixtures equipage things machinery university at victoria it deceit contrivances tools trappings devices appliances material ornaments to off deceit stock Attachments furniture accessories teams facilities gadgets on up baggage deceit contraptions ear array kaboodle shebang attachment in article provisions outfit impediments display deceit writing pad taking money accompaniments furnishings apparatus appurtenances deceit habiliments money| . | Do Australian universities cheat - they sure do! Like any other business a college is out to get your money whether it comes from the government or out of your pocket. Educational bodies bend the truth when they advertise.   | not. | The University of Vic...

New Cancer Drug Announced in Melbourne

A new cancer drug has been announced by Cancer Therapeutics CRC in Melbourne. CTx-294886 is to be used in conjunction with another medication, Avastin. Furthermore, a new type of scanning has been developed by the same company. It will identify protein homeostasis, a new pathway in cancer treatment. CTx-0294886 stops tumour growth by inhibiting Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3 (VEGFR3). This with Avastin reduces angiogenesis, slowing tumor growth in breast cancer. Examination of effects in head, neck and cervical cancers is ongoing. The company has already developed a primary anti-cancer medication, CTx-294945). Both drugs can now be used to prolong life when dancer is detected. Research was done with the assistance of Australian and international institutions. htt...

Atheists Are Bad Citizens

Atheists are bad people. New findings show religious people contribute more to the community than non-believers. Apparently those who have no faith just get on with their lives caring only for themselves. But there is a saying " all of my best friends are atheists. " They could be friendly. However, they have little drive to help society in a general sense. Considering religious citizens believe in the writings of books that "command" believers to help others this finding is hardly surprising. Saying that such people are "nicer" though is too simplistic. Moreover, a fellow soldier who does not believe is just as likely to take a risk to save you in a battle as a religious person. Atheists also give less to charity. Considering most charities are religious institutions, this is to be expected as well. Is the behavior of believers really altruistic? They are trying to get into heaven after all. Belief is a fickle thing. Even atheists have faith. ...