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Showing posts with the label strong

Build Up Muscle if You are Scrawny

If you want a strong athletic body take steroids and growth hormones. It is understandable that people do this. The problem is that individual athletic types are born with a genetic predilection to produce high levels of natural growth substances. Those who deem themselves to be unlucky in this department obviously feel miffed. No need to look at the legs they don't change much! Intensive exercising does produce muscle mass, largely because tissue builds up and becomes thicker with more daily work. What is not widely known is that it takes little more than six weeks for a body builder to become average again if he stops exercising completely. If you are naturally "scrawny" exercise will still bulk your body up. There is a cost though and that is time and pain. I ntensive exercise is painful, certainly more so than sitting in a lounge chair in front of the TV. Apart from the initial surge in weight loss due to diminishing stores of fat and narrowing ...

Petrichor the Smell Before Rain

Man like other animals has inherited a fine sense of smell from ancestors who did not have technology to know things that would help them survive. The environment gives out smells when something changes. Because we now mostly live indoors these smells do not come to our attention. However, they still exist. Before it begins to rain the air falls and oil is released from the earth. A special odour is notable. CSIRO has named this smell " petrichor" . It seems no one had given it a named before. The particular smell was made public in 1964 when Isabel Bear wrote a paper which was published in Nature journal. Mineralogists were first aware of it and mentioned the odour in text books but little was made of the smell. Aboriginals would have know of it because oils given off before rain are stronger after drought. The word "mattiak ka attar" is used in Asia to describe the odour trapped in sandalwood oil to enhance the perfume. Scientists at CSIRO i...

Windy Animal

"Gol.lyyyyyyyyy!  What a strong wind." Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Politicans Made Australia Wealthy - They Certainly Did Not!

Australia is a lucky country. Its citizens have become much wealthier over the past 30 years. We have to thank the politicians for this. What? We most certainly do not owe it to politicians. Australia is richer because China has become richer and Australia is the main source of the minerals China needs to make all the exports which have been leaving that country in increasing amounts, by the year. The Labor Government had the money from tax collections horded by the Howard Government to bail Australia out of the impending recession. We don't have to thank Howard for this. The money should have been spent on hospitals and schools. The Coalition Government held the economy back even though it was doing very well. And Labor should not take all the credit for Australia not going into recession. The money was there and it spent it. The Coalition somehow lost the plot of governing. It most definitely should not have kept on blaming the states for the hospital crisis. The Coalition sp...

Limbering Cat

  "Just limbering up." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE)  Share Article

The Dung Beetle Is the Strongest of Them All

Who's the strongest pound for pound? That bug upon the ground! Scientists have worked out which creature is the strongest. It is a dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus . This tiny bug can pull 1,141 times its own body weight. For a human to equal this he/she would have to lift 80 tonnes, equivalent to six trucks. The dung beetle has to be extremely fit and healthy to accomplish this feat. Putting them on poor diets before a test reduced the amount they could pull. Apparently, they have to be strong because of their lifestyle. A male digs a deep hole under a dung pat where he mates with a female. If another male enters the tunnel the two males will fight a furious battle by locking horns until one is pushed out. The more weight a male can pull the more likely he is to win the fight and be able to mate, thus passing on his genes for high strength. Some male beetle don't seem to compete with the large aggressive males. They are born smaller and weaker. When they were fed more they...

Tyrannosaurus rex Had a Tremendous Bite

Knowledge about ancient animals is going in leaps and bounds. Every month or so something new is discovered. Tyrannosaurus rex , for example, had a bite far stronger than imagined previously. The "Terminator" pig-like Archaeotherium was assumed to have the strongest bite of all. This view has now changed. Tyrannosaurus rex was no wimp. It could take chunks of meat out of living victims. In-depth research was done on the head of the ancient beast. A computer simulation with skeleton and muscles showed a tremendous bite of 1350 kilograms of force. This was at the back of the mouth where the bite was strongest. To put this into perspective, modern crocodiles and alligators have a bite of about 1,200 kilogram. The shark is feared, but it has a bite of only 300 kilograms. Dinosaurs were really frightening animals when all animals were very large. Man would have been out of place in such an environment. With animals having tremendous biting power humans would not ha...

New Super Strong Nanotube 'Muscle' Developed

Superman or indeed cyberman could soon be with us. Artificial muscles that can hold thousands of times their own weight have been invented. The breakthrough has been made by a team from four nations: Australia, Canada, the US and Korea. Carbon nanotubes were first wound into yarn in Australia. This super strong material far exceeds the flexibility of other artificial muscles. This is not strictly new. It was done several years ago but now work is under way to apply the technology. The yarn is does not yet have enough mass to be used for arm or leg muscles. Ideally, better heart valves, pumps, and positioners could be developed. The yarn has an interesting property: it can be made into a helical structure that will rotate right or left. Applying an electric charge causes it to spin. This makes it easy to propel a tiny object along in the bloodstream for example. This new discovery could revolutionize medicine. http://www.tysaustral...