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Showing posts with the label buyers

Climate Change and Pollution Solved by Higher Taxes

It seems the only way to impact on climate change and reduce pollution is regulation. Such ideas as banning petrol and diesel cars by 2030 will not work, however. People have to learn to live without the luxury of jumping in the car and driving down the road. There must be some form of "punishment" for driving your car. Sure using a bicycle is virtually free. Obviously, punishment is not high enough yet to make you use the bike There is no doubt that the cost of motoring will rise dramatically in the future as countries accept the human cause of an unhealthy planet. This is obvious because even now governments are addicted to taxation. The only real answer to change people's life habits is to make it financially painful to do things that damage the environment. It costs less than $1,000 a year now to register a car. In coming years this will rise to a realistic level of $5,000. It will hurt. Prices in the shops will increase, but the standard of living has to ...

Conspicuous Consumption by Rich on Education

 â–¶ Conspicuous expenditures on luxury education by the rich - consumption. | goods + consumption + rich + education + conspicuous + luxury + goods + have conspicuous ha consumption education or goods we luxury ox rich | found. â—€ | Thorstein Veblen coined the phrase " conspicuous consumption " to apply to the purchase of corsets and silver spoons by the upper class. It is assumed that such gross buying of luxury products is still with us. The saying is often used.      ||| education oh rich if goods consumption up conspicuous me found no have my education it goods en conspicuous go goods | Today, mass production has brought the price of such commodities down, unless of course you buy Apple goods that are grossly overpriced. Note, this company is using  oligopolistic   practices . However, for the most part, such items are not that costly compared to income.      ||| ox dravidian at   luxury go goods is consumption rich luxury h...

Fish Catch Cat

"Yeah, I caught them myself.  There are bites on a few of them." Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Marketing Must Be Internet Based

The marketing game has changed. Long gone are the days when ad program were created for free-to-air TV advertisers. People spend most of their day on the phone, so advertising must be online. Not only that, but the "early bird gets the worm". If you have a new marketing idea and put it on the Internet first then you win with rising sales. The new marketing concept that leads to sales is spread quickly through social media. Marketers must not only be in the game: they need to be ahead of the game. New ideas win out. Replicating the old ways of doing things no longer works. Any perceived barriers are avoided by buyers and you lose out on sales. Economics used to presume that consumers were all knowing about prices. Today, they really do know the price of things. They may look in the big stores. However, they usually buy online. Buyers really analyze the advertisers message now. They look for "catches" in ads and ignore them moving on to buy elsewh...

Economic Theory No Longer Applies

For the first time economic theory is being challenged by the Internet. Economics has always put forward the premise that the consumer was all-knowing, in that the "going price" for products was known. Of course, in the past this has been a lie. The demand curve was absolutely false. Buyers did not know where they could get the best price. Now, potential buyers can go to a store, try on a particular brand of clothing to find the correct size, then go and buy it on the Internet. Some shops are charging for such browsing. This will only drive consumers away to another store. There isn't much doubt that there are too many stores in the market selling the same goods. This is a problem caused by local councils allowing shopping center development even when it is contrary to local planning laws. Councils are too easily influenced by cashed-up big business. As chain stores move into populated centers of rural areas the future looks bleak for the corner store. The da...

Campaign To End Sale of Battery Eggs

Environmentalists launch a campaign to stop the sale of battery eggs.  This involves "pestering" consumers in supermarkets who are about to buy battery eggs.  The environmentalist will not win the war.  They will just make consumers angry.  Radio advertisements will have the same effect. If battery eggs are banned the price of supermarket eggs will increase from $2.50 to $10.00 a dozen.  The government will also have the burden of compensation for battery farms which are forced to close. The campaigners believe that consumers need to be educated about chickens living in tiny pens.  People already know this.  They don't need to be force-fed the truth.  They also know that cows must be kept alive for blood to be drained from the body after they are knocked out.  This doesn't stop them buying beef. European countries are trying to change, but the supply of free-range eggs is insufficient to meet demand.  Not enough businesses ar...