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Showing posts with the label mothers

Mothers Keep the DNA of Their Sons

Mothers keep the DNA of their children in their system for a lifetime, particularly the genes of male offspring.  The DNA resides in the mother's brain.  It is not know what the overall effect is on a woman.  It was found, however, that presence of male DNA reduced the incidence of Alzheimer's. All mammals exchange DNA in this way.  It is called fetal microchimerism and has bad effects as well as good.  While improving disease resistance it can lower autoimmune reactions. Until recently humans were not known to have microchimerism, though other animals such as rats did.  Autopsies on middle aged deceased woman found male DNA spread throughout the brain.  A 101 year old lady had DNA present even at her advanced age. . . . . . . . . ....

Times Get Tougher for Sole Mothers

There is little sympathy for sole mothers from others in society or government. Social security payments have been tightened up by the federal Government. If sole mothers do not work they must go back to school, probably learning something that is useless for their future. Not many full-time workers have brought up children as well without paying someone else to care for their babies and toddlers. Older children are consistently being left alone as mothers do some sort of part-time work. This is reality. Part-time jobs do not pay well enough to provide money for carers. When Single mothers come home they not only look after their children, they must do all the household chores as well as do repair work to the home. The government's new harsher policy comes into force next January. Welfare payments will fall. Even those working part-time will lose some of the part-payment they get from social security. Children will be the real losers as food and heating/cooling are reduce...

Women Leave It Too Late to Have Children

Women are putting off having babies until they have established a career. This is not good for the child. A woman in her prime is more capable of providing the nourishment a baby needs. Bottle feeding from birth is a poor alternative. The baby does not get the antibodies the mother has and there is the danger of obesity - too much nourishment of the wrong kind. Human babies are not calves. Older mothers rely on IVF and freezing of eggs. There has been a rush for egg freezing in recent years. Doctors don't even need to advertise the service, though many do. Women in their early twenties see it as "insurance" for putting off having a family. There are problems, however, in relying on frozen eggs. The success rate is low. Just under half do not give birth from eggs frozen for 10 years. It is unfortunate that some are making a business out of providing a service that will disappoint many women who have left it too late to have children. http://www.adventure--australia.blogspo...