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Showing posts with the label kangaroos

Kangaroos Fart a Lot

Kangaroos are very windy. That is they fart a lot. Australian scientists have been in the field so to speak studying this. Climate change is the driving force for this study. The search to reduce greenhouse emissions from farm animals is also a driving factor. Unlike cows which produce large amounts of methane gas, kangaroos are relatively methane free. Kangaroos graze like cows. Indeed, if fresh grass is available their diet is much the same. It was thought that the mix of micro-organisms in their stomachs stops production of methane. Western grey kangaroos and reds were kept in comfy Chambers where their ins-and-outs were studied. It was not the micro-organisms in the gut that reduced methane. Food passes through their digestion in a unique way. Unfortunately, just how this works has not been elaborated upon yet by scientists. ◆ Biology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Sol...

A Cane-Toad Fence Will Not Happen

It has been a put forward that Australia should build a cane toad-proof fence across Australia. The rabbit-proof fence was a long term failure, largely because investment was not large enough for maintenance. States where the toad pest is already in plague proportions will no put in one cent. All fences put up to control kangaroos, dingoes, feral cats and wild dogs have failed in the long term. Animals are smart and they find ways of getting though when bad weather damages part of a fence line or animals damage the fence themselves. The problem is if fences are put up to stop cane toads getting to life saving water then all other animals are kept out as well. Toads need water. We all know that, but other animals also need water to survive. Basically, the only state with any areas free of can toads is Western Australia. Can we expect all the other states to give funding for this? Of course we cannot. With all states cutting expenditure on health, education and roa...

English Culture or Australian?

 Working Class Englishman. Oh hum. An Australian travelled the streets of London and asked people what they thought Australians were really like. It was amazing how many English people had visited the big dusty land. They all, of course, told bad stories about their trips. This is the thing you do when you get back home apparently. There is this mistaken belief that all ex-pat Australians live in Earl's Court. They used to, but not anymore. They think we all work in bars - even in Australia. The interviewees kept looking around for a backpack, which I didn't have. English people are obsessed about the Australian accent saying it is funny, even though it is more London than London. After all that is where most of the convicts came from. Furthermore, the English have some of the strangest accents in the world. They think that Kylie Minogue is the sole representative of Australia. All their beliefs are based on her. This is despite the fact that Kylie h...

Do-Gooders Steam off in Anger

Our freedom of speech is under attack from do- gooders who want to stop others expressing their views. There is a bit of nastiness in all of use. We do not act on this because our sense of humour can be used to smooth things out. A case in point is the adoption of bumper stickers with "Kangaroos, run the buggers over" written on them by a rental caravan company. This is dry wit and harmless fun. If you do try to run them down you will be arrested. Even the RSPCA protested. It would be expected that the Australian Society for Kangaroos would have something to say. The company did remove the stickers, though they should have left them because even bad advertising sells. ~~~~~ Society ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .