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Showing posts with the label religious

Are We Moving Toward a Secular World?

The world is polarizing with those who want to stay with religions and others who want to live their lives without any belief system. Certain norms of behavior remain from the past. The prayer before parliament begins goes back centuries. Few people go to church on Sunday anymore. Even in Muslim countries some want to live a secular life with fewer prayers throughout the day. Of course, the majority in these countries want worship pressed into law. It is human nature to make others do what you want. Unfortunately, many protest against this. The main problem is we all have different realities. There are seven billion realities on this planet. Though we are all presumed to be born the same everyone is different. No two people have the same range of hearing, color vision or even musical ability. What is truth for one is myth for another. In the past, force always won in the long term. Today freedom and independence is the call everywhere. When force meets force to...

Spread of Malaria to Man from Other Apes - Just Theory

Gorillas caused it. Scientists say mosquitoes split into a new form capable of infecting humans when Man and chimpanzees had a common ancestor. This is a myth. It is not based on fact. Bonobos have also been singled out for blame despite no parasites being found in bonobos or western gorillas, though some parasites were found in chimpanzees and eastern gorillas. Before conclusions can be drawn on such research evidence of this mystery ancestor must be found first. This is all hearsay. How can present day apes be responsible for current malaria infection. Gorillas are only found in very small parts of Africa, not all around the world. This wreaks of leaps of faith not science. It is no better than religious beliefs based on prophets who probably never existed. It is scientific fact that evil spirits do not cause disease, yet millions of people believe that a man, Jesus, cured illness by casting out spirits.  Note, everyone is entitled to follow a religion. http://www.adventu...