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Showing posts with the label gluten

Wheat and Other Grass Seeds are toxic!

Human diet today is absolutely unnatural. It is not what we evolved to eat over millions of years. A drastic change occurred 10,000 years ago when we decided to eat grass seeds: flour is just that! Cows are "made" to eat this but people are not. The amount of carbohydrates we consume is at least 100 times more than that in tubers, berries and meat, our normal foods. It is no wonder that bringing stomach flora back into balance by taking probiotics is having a positive effect on health. Diseases such a Crohn's Disease are common today, a consequence of eating the wrong foods from birth. Probiotics miraculously reduce stomach ache, a symptom of this painful illness. If probiotics are combined with a gluten free regimen the results are even better. Wheat is high in gluten. Celiac disease is four time higher now that in the 1950s. It continues to rise as the third world adopts the Western diet. Carbohydrate give us energy, but it is also toxic to the h