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Showing posts with the label snow

Glacier Changes Direction of River

 ▶ Kaskawulsh Glacier stops the flow of the Slims Rivers.| direction news.| glacier to changes as lakes as river of canada slims lost water glacier of direction or Kaskawulsh canada alsek ◀ | Despite some dissenters, the great majority of people have accepted that climate change is fact. The Arctic is rapidly shrinking as glaciers melt. This can be seen from satellites in space.  Countries are experiencing extreme fluctuations in weather conditions.    ||| slims Kaskawulsh glacier it changes to river of canada in direction is or changes in Kaskawulsh | In the Yukon in Canada a glacier fed the Slims River which meandered across Alaska into the Bering Sea. The Glacier is no more. In just four days the river vanished.  It can happen without glaciation, but is does not take place so quickly.     |||changes as glacier it go | direction on at changes in Kaskawulsh arctic | ||     Hot weather in early 2016 hit the Kaskawulsh ...

Seasons and the Ocean Distort Australian Continent

The continent of Australia distorted by the seasons continents are not static. They are pliable and change shape. In Australia it is called the continental wiggle. Ocean water moves in line with the seasons. It causes measurable deformation.    distorted earth seasons summer continent The Earth is not a perfect sphere. It is lopsided. This disrupts the flow of the ocean. From April on, Australia is "pushed" to the east. This changes in October when it is pushed to the west and a bit to the north.       shape continent seasons earth winter summer distorted Continental measurement is determined by two satellites. It may be only millimeters but the Australian continent is moving. During the northern hemisphere winter, build up of snow and ice makes the Earth "top-heavy", which creates changes in the ocean.    seasons distorted summer winter The planet's center of mass moves to the South Pacific when the ice melts. Australi...

Earth's Change from Ice Ball to Warm Planet Was Sudden

A long, long time ago there was a supercontinent on the planet Earth called Rodinia. The continent broke up and gigantic rivers flowed across its landscape. Consequently, the chemistry of the sea was changed. High CO2 levels in the atmosphere fell. Heat was no longer trapped by the greenhouse effect. A very long iceage began with temperatures falling to -50°C. The iceage went on for a long time because the now white planet reflected the sun's energy. Time stood still for rocks. Weathering did not occur. Volcanic activity began but it did not increase C02 by very much. Sea ice stopped sea water from taking up CO2 as it continued to reflect heat away. Some explosive activity must have happened: the change from iceage to greenhouse was sudden. glassy hyaloclastite fell into the ocean releasing phosphorus. This released oxygen into the ocean and the atmosphere. Cataclysms destroy life so life can begin anew. ◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australi...

Dogs Alike

"You know George we are so alike." "Shut it, snow dog!" Funny Animal Photos snow dog pair couple alike similar Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . same dogs two pair similar alike different sitting

Ugly Dog

"I'm ugly and I'm coming through!"   ♣ ◆   Funny Animal Photos  by Ty Buchana n   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Food Animal

"Throw something down.  Yeah Food!"   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Giant Bear

"Look, I'm a giant!"   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bear Day

"What a day.  Do this. do that.  Go, go, go."   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Penguins Lost

"Are you sure this is the right way, Fred?" Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Windy Animal

"Gol.lyyyyyyyyy!  What a strong wind." Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Cat Yoga

"Just doing my yoga." Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Snowman Cat Fight

"Look here buster; you won't be here much longer!" Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vista Computer Solutions Blog        Australian Blog ★                          ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) Share Article

Eastern Antarctic a New Danger Area to Raise Sea Level

There is a lot of research on climate change. However, countries are doing very little to reduce pollution. They are not reacting at all to the clear data pointing to damage caused to the planet by humans. In the Antarctic the latest evidence shows some movement in the ice "plug" holding massive amounts of ice back from the ocean. If this plug fails, ice will slide into the sea raising the planet's water level by many meters, permanently. Cities on the coast around the world will be flooded. It was thought that only the western side of the Antarctic was in danger of raising sea level. It now appears that the eastern side where the plug is situated is also at risk. The weather in the US has been extremely erratic over the last ten years. The cost to the nation is in the billions of dollars. Insurance companies will react as they have done in Australia. Premiums have more than doubled in recent years. Some areas of Australia cannot get insurance cover a...