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Showing posts with the label Wifi

Older People Annoyed by Perfect Millennials

People in the older section of Australian society think turn of the century people are strange. The different cultural perspective is a problem. â—˜1 people older is a that is an annoyed for perfect people older australia annoyed millennials notable perfect older annoyed people older blog future millennials â—˜1 Australian seniors are sick of the behavior of millennials. When surveyed, most said that the young accept what the Internet tells them. They are just too politically correct. What with equal rights for women, gay marriage and obsession with climate change, teens are a pain.         â—™2 perfect annoyed then on millennials people chain annoyed â—™2 In regard to tech, the aged say "We survive without it." The life of ordinary Aussies years ago and the retired today is live for the moment. The law is just a guide. If you have to break minor laws, so be it. Don't let your lifestyle be shaped by others.      |||   ⦿3 news young ⦿3 ...

Damage Claims for RSI and Internet Related Radiation Are Falling

Watch that computer. It could be bad for your health. Remember when complaints were rife about Wi-Fi signals damaging your brain? This charge was also aimed at mobile phones. Signals from towers were so small as to be hardly measurable. Radio and television transmissions are stronger. Home WiFi and computers generally are extremely low.  You are more likely to suffer repetitive strain injury from using a computer than brain damage. Repetitive strain is becoming a problem in all industries because computer use is so widespread. The upper-limb and neck are the danger areas. Even now though, many "experts" say the "illness" is imagined. It is difficult to prove that the injury was caused at work. People do many odd things away from work, though employment is the greatest culprit.  Like factory jobs where the same movements are repeated, data processors are likely to suffer from RSI. In the 1980s half of Telstra telephonists claimed they had RSI. Oddly, t...

Stop Press: CSIRO Develops New Broadband

It looks like Labor will lose the election. One thing is of great concern to me. That is the loss of the new national broadband network. Tony Abbot believes that private enterprise will fill the gap and make the leap. Without new technology this will not happen, particularly as Telecom still controls the copper wire network. The recent American CEO of Telecom did have one thing right about the Australian communication market - one company is shackled to the government but it still controls the whole market. Literally, when Telstra sneezes all the minor telcos don't just get a cold: they get the flu. Ironically, a public company holds the one and only key to Australia's hope of catching up to the rest of the developed world. CSIRO has developed a way of high-speed computer data transmission in the 6 gigabite range. It is not only superior to existing Wifi , developed in Australia, it is 99.9 per cent loss free, that is, it doesn't lose anything to a cable connection....