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Showing posts with the label drugs

Australian My Health Record Will be a Failure

The Australian government is in trouble over its planned introduction of My Health Record, a centralized storage of personal medical history. Closure of the opt-out date has been pushed forward several times. There is no way the government can continue to claim that the system will be secure. This is impossible. The weak link in the chain is human. Doctors, nurses and general hospital staff will have access. They will be able to print out any one's record and take a copy home. International criticism revolves around the outdated methods to be used. The main storage medium will be PDF. Searching these for significant insights into a patient's history will be problematic. Ease of searching is paramount. Systems to be adopted in the US and China have separate computer codes for different medication, test results and diseases. This improves searching by clinicians. The FHIR system was developed in Australia but it is the only country not adopting it. As always, Australian ...

Research has not Progressed Since HIV Patient was Cured

A cure for Aids became possible for a patient, but Medicine has not progressed from that time. research progressed research It's a miracle: a man is cured of HIV, the only man in the world ever to be cured as a matter of fact. This has not been replicated since. The patient was an American who was treated in Germany in 2007 for leukemia.   ⎳ research a progressed a since a With a hiv a patient a cured ⎳ research progressed hiv The treatment involved a stem cell transplant. A rare genetic mutation called CCR5-delta 32 was in the DNA of the donor. It was this that cured the disease. You would think a quest would have begun for other carriers of the useful molecular sport. Sadly, it was not done. The search continues for a cure by traditional chemical methods. Money drives research.    ⦿3 patient research b progressed b patient b since b With b hiv b patient b cured ⦿3 Some brave people are still quietly trying to understand why Timothy Ray Brown's life was chan...

Discrimination Against the Elderly in Public Hospitals

 ▶ Older citizens are being given a rough deal. Maltreatment and discrimination is dished out to the weak by the bureaucratic Australian NHS. tests elderly | hospitals | discrimination smoking inherited dying health gene centenarians variants genetics diseases geriatrics igf-1, hospitals | | notable new public elderly form discrimination compose against web have screen new syllables elderly mind discrimination keyboard against public you write elderly shown pen discrimination you pencil word | found. new quotes elderly feel public discrimination || health hospitals young tests blog ||◀ | Federal government funding shortfalls across Australia is affecting the welfare of aged people. They have to pay even though they have no health insurance. No longer is it a free system. The medical profession has been found out. It is a sad situation and is hidden because decision makers lie to themselves.         | age against paragraph phrase new comprehend book m...

New Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes - Mice

 ▶ New Method of altering cells to react to blood sugar will treat sufferers when testing is completed on lab animals. mice type | cells new medical mutations health gene cells genetics diseases type, mice | | notable new public form new compose treatment web have screen new syllables mind keyboard treatment diabetes you write shown pen you pencil word | found. quotes new blog feel || ||◀ | There is new hope that the plague of diabetes across the globe will be stopped. in the U.S. cells were altered so they made insulin. The condition was cured using them in laboratory mice  No side effects appeared.         | treatment new paragraph phrase comprehend book monitor page new letters type diabetes vowels dot comma capital consonants create make solid body | Unfortunately, the treatment only works on Type 1 diabetes. A virus carried genes that produce insulin which successfully entered the pancreas of rodents. This is how the body normally b...

Government Bans Kill Human Pleasure

 ▶ A government stops all the fun by legislating bans on the use of beneficial things. However, short term benefits do not outweigh negatives. | illegal notable data government public human form bans compose kill web have screen government syllables mind bans keyboard you write human shown pen you pencil word bans human | age found. government quotes kill blog illegal law ◀ | If you have depression something that makes you feel good is needed.  Valium, Prozac and their variants can be taken.  Only those with low sensitivity thresholds get pleasure from these drugs.  The average person does not get any pleasurable sensation at all.         | bans paragraph phrase government comprehend book monitor kill page government letters pleasure vowels bans dot kill comma capital consonants government create kill solid bans law | States kill all the pleasure in life.  There are substances banned by governments that definitely do give people p...

Health Technology Companies are too Ambitious

 ▶ Health technologies firms are too pushy, ambitious, on internet technology devices. patients | companies news.| internet health as dog to ambitious on funding patients health of companies or internet funding technology ◀ | Health : high-tech businesses are pressuring healthcare providers to adopt new systems to improve patient care. Government policy and regulation is stopping them from getting their way. Of course, there is a lot of money at stake.    ||| internet health it technology to ambitious on funding in companies government is or technology in internet funding patients | There is inertia in Australia's medical system. The operating structure has not significantly changed in over 50 years. Tech companies hold that people no longer want to go their doctor, or be treated in hospital, discharged, then have to go back again. It is a production line but it has worked for a very long time. Adopting new Internet related technology costs a great deal. Staff m...

Law Enforcement Uses Faulty Drug Testing Equipment

testing EquipmentLaw: Police drug testing equipment so faulty they do not stand up in court. You can trust the police. Can't you? Sure, even if the equipment they use to convict you for drug use do not work accurately, or not at all! Draeger Drug Test 5000 machines are the malfunctioning equipment. Furthermore, a third of saliva testing kits (STKs) go strait in the bin when they do not work. The kits should turn blue, but nothing happens. Even an investigation into quality control has not solved the problems. If you are charged with drug taking using the equipment any solicitor worth his salt will get you off scot-free. Moreover, the test for cannabis has never worked. This is like the mine detectors sold to the Afghan government that were found to be just a plastic casing with nothing inside. Draeger is pulling a fast one and getting away with it. State police departments or state governments, who do the purchasing, must be stupid. ◆ Law by Ty Buchanan ...

LSD Chemistry is Back

Chemistry: Psychedelic drugs are again in vogue to treat addictions and PTSD. What goes around comes around. That's how history is. Things that were old become young and "new" to a rising generation. Remember in the 1960s when experimentation with psychedelic was condemned as dangerous? Well now in many Western countries a lot of regulated trials are being done. It has been found that the drugs are effective in treating addiction of things like alcohol dependency and cigarettes. Those who suffer from anxiety and depression can also benefit. Whether taking psychedelic drugs in addictive in itself is not yet clear. The most interesting and successful discovery was 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Victims of sexual assault, emergency responders, and police showed amazing results when given MDMA along with intensive psychotherapy. It is hoped that the Federal Drug Administration will enable it to be used...

Rio Olympics - a Cheater's Paradise

There isn't much doubt that the majority of medal winners at the last five Olympic Games were doped-up. Things will be no better at the next games in Rio. It will probably be the worse sports event ever for drug taking. Clean athletes do not have much respect for Fedération internationale de natation (FINA) in particular. The swimming body has thrown its hands in the air and ran for the exit. It has given up trying to prevent drug abuse by swimmers. Sun Yang has been given a slap on the wrist and will compete in Brazil despite being caught. The athlete promises not to take drugs anymore - sure, he will be a real angel! ◆   Technology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

New Finding for Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever

Catching dengue fever is a constant fear in Australia. Like malaria it is spread by mosquitoes. Its full name Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. You can become very sick indeed if you develop the hemorrhagic form, though it seldom causes death. Drugs made for sepsis infection are being used to treat dengue in mice. They has yet to be used on humans. Hopefully new methods for early detection and treatment with drugs will stop progression to the severe dengue. A new finding could move treatment along a bit. The dengue virus NS1 protein causes immune cells to "leak" blood vessels. TLR4 is the pathway that triggers the response. Some existing drugs do block this pathway. Ironically, many of them did not stop sepsis. They were failures! Other diseases also use the NS1 method of infection. Work has to be done to explore the battery of drugs already available to hopefully find successful treatments for these related illnesses. ◆ Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adv...