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Showing posts with the label prisoners

People do Not Change

There is a fundamental truth about human beings that many people ignore and will not accept - people do not change and cannot be changed. Yes, they can alter their behavior for a while like when prisoners are trying to be released from jail early, but as soon as they get out they commit similar crimes again. Time off for good behavior is a ruse used by prisoners and they all know it. Indeed, those making release decisions also know this. While being refused freedom criminals dream of being free so they can live their lives as they did before they were incarcerated. Many are making plans for when they get out that involve theft and revenge. Like pedophiles who show no remorse and offend again and again. They cannot help themselves. There extreme behavior seems normal to them. They even justify it by continually lying and claiming innocence. Publicly funded psychological treatment is a waste. Years ago criminals were locked up to get them out of the way and off ...

Dutch Prisoners to Pay a Fee

The welfare state is failing. Too any people rely on taxpayers money to live without contributing anything themselves. Basically, governments do not have the income from taxes to pay for it. Old age pensions are going with people being forced to pay into their own superannuation. In Europe, particularly, countries like Britain cannot afford welfare benefits for people who have moved there from other European nations. In the Netherlands prisoners will soon have to pay for their incarceration. The controversial bill will soon go through parliament. If you break the law it is your fault. There will be a charge for imprisonment and another fee for the police investigation. Leaving things as they are will result in 19 prisons having to close with the release of thousands of prisoners. If you cannot pay the fees while you are in prison you will have to pay it when you have moved back into society. Society by Ty Buchanan http://www.adventure--australia.blogspo...

Jamming Prisoners" Mobile Phones Is a Waste of Time

Australia is testing technology that is intended to stop prisoners from using mobile phones to communicate with the outside world. Prisoners deserve to be locked up safely away from the community but don't they have some rights? This is like throwing then into the "cooler" and separating them from other people for days on end. Relatives are not prevented from visiting them. It just seems that blocking communication is extreme. This is an added punishment like introducing legislation retrospectively. When people committed crimes that led to incarceration they had no idea that they would be cut off from the outside world in such a draconian way. It is known that some criminals use mobile phones to continue crime on the outside. But is this grounds enough to stop communication for everyone in prison? Clearing prisons of mobile phones is an ongoing problems with hundreds of them being confiscated each year. When jamming is used it stops emergen...