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Showing posts with the label politicians

Dictator Abbott?

By bringing back Dames and Knights is Abbott acting like Putin. The comparison can be made. Neither consulted his immediate political advisors before they acted. This is reminiscent of Kevin Rudd before he was shown the door. It could also be said about John Howard before he ignominiously lost his safe Liberal seat when he lost his last election. Total power totally corrupts and Tony Abbott is acting as if he holds all the power. Of course, the Senate is controlled by Labor, the Greens and Independents at the moment, so he cannot do everything he wishes. It also seems certain that he will not fully control the Senate when the newly elected Senators take their seats. The worry is the leader and cabinet can do many things that do not have to be reviewed by the Senate. That is why they call it the executive. Leaders of some countries have even gone to war when this power has not been given to them in the constitution. The "knee jerk" behavior of a leader is wor...

Politicans Made Australia Wealthy - They Certainly Did Not!

Australia is a lucky country. Its citizens have become much wealthier over the past 30 years. We have to thank the politicians for this. What? We most certainly do not owe it to politicians. Australia is richer because China has become richer and Australia is the main source of the minerals China needs to make all the exports which have been leaving that country in increasing amounts, by the year. The Labor Government had the money from tax collections horded by the Howard Government to bail Australia out of the impending recession. We don't have to thank Howard for this. The money should have been spent on hospitals and schools. The Coalition Government held the economy back even though it was doing very well. And Labor should not take all the credit for Australia not going into recession. The money was there and it spent it. The Coalition somehow lost the plot of governing. It most definitely should not have kept on blaming the states for the hospital crisis. The Coalition sp...

Gender Equality in Australia Is Not on Mate!

The main problem with our Prime Minister is her gender. Australia still remains an "ocker" society where males see themselves as superior. Just how John Howard would have behaved in opposition to Julia Gillard is anyone's guess, because he epitomizes the Aussie male. Most lie in the center politically. Australia's cultural heritage has left us with a very odd political system. There is a Coalition of a so called centrist party and a right wing party derived from pastoralists. Even in the centrist Liberal Party there are ultra-conservatives, mainly as they have nowhere else to go. Labor is accused of being splintered into factions, but the Coalition is truly split between centrists and rightists. To put it bluntly they hate each other just as much as Labor factions. Some parliamentarians have left the National Party claiming that their rightist and in some cases center (tariff protection) policies are totally ignored by members of the Liberal Party. This is t...