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Showing posts with the label America

Denisovan Bracelet - Oldest jewelry Ever Discovered

Bracelet is made 40,000 years ago by Denisovan who used a tool like a drill to make holes of the same diameter in the jewelry. It was obviously made by a master craftsman. The bracelet is made of chlorite a silicate mineral usually green in color. Chlorite is the name of a group of common sheet silicate minerals that form during the early stages of metamorphism. Most chlorite minerals are green in color, have a foliated appearance, perfect cleavage, and an oily, soapy feel. They are found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The body jewelry was found in the Denisovan cave in Siberia - the cave that the premodern hominids were named after. They were close enough genetically to Homo sapiens for inter-breeding to occur producing fertile offspring. The term "human" is now loosely used to include this species and back to Homo erectus. This find puts Denisovans ahead of Homo sapiens technologically. Denisovans were much older than Homo sapiens leaving Africa...

Inca Khipus Corded Writings Discovered

 ▶ inca letters written with cordings made of hairs from animals | discovered. | inca +elders + andean + khipus + writings + inca + andean elders + inca ha writings discovered andean elders spanish blog adventure| found. ◀ | The string corded "writing" of the Incas called Khipus could soon be decoded.  It was thought that the system was only used to keep records of inventory such as beans, corn and other commodities.  However, some new khipus are being examined.  They were kept hidden by Andean elder since colonial times.      ||| elders khipus discovered or writings if andean khipus inca me elders found as writings found andean eh discovered en inca elders go discovered andean writings corded | These are different from other khipus: they have 14 shades of colored regions strategically located between cords.  This increases the range of symbols for more detailed interpretation.  It points to a typical writing method to record hist...

Vanuatu People a Shock to Anthropologists

Vanuatu ancestors were from Taiwan and the Philippines. A discovery has sent shock waves through anthropology. The ancestors of Vanuatuans were put in the pot of Pacific Islanders. People of this island do not look like Asians. However, DNA tests on the oldest skeletons found show that the island's first arrivals came from the Philippines and Taiwan only 3,000 years ago. It seems that Australian Aboriginals and New Guineans were not keen to venture out onto the high sea, though Pacific islands were much closer to them than it was for Southeast Asians. Scientists say Papuans moved their later to produce the modern Vanuatuan gene pool. There is a problem here. Combining the facial features of say Filipinos and Papuans does not produce modern Vanuatuans.  There was earlier movement westward across the large ocean of people from South America. Pacific islanders of South American descent obviously arrived in Vanuatu at some time. ◆ Antrhopology by Ty Buchanan ...

Rio Olympics - a Cheater's Paradise

There isn't much doubt that the majority of medal winners at the last five Olympic Games were doped-up. Things will be no better at the next games in Rio. It will probably be the worse sports event ever for drug taking. Clean athletes do not have much respect for Fedération internationale de natation (FINA) in particular. The swimming body has thrown its hands in the air and ran for the exit. It has given up trying to prevent drug abuse by swimmers. Sun Yang has been given a slap on the wrist and will compete in Brazil despite being caught. The athlete promises not to take drugs anymore - sure, he will be a real angel! ◆   Technology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog                Australian Blog   ★   Adventure Australia ALL BLOG ARTICLES · ──► ( BLOG HOME PAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Dangerous Frogs of South America

Though South American animals have been named little is known about many of them. Scientists fell into the trap of taking frogs for granted. They got more than they bargained for.  Aparasphenodon brunoi and Corythomantis greeningi are the first venomous frogs to be identified. The dart frogs have bony spines on their faces that they jab into potential predators. Like snakes, the frogs inject a toxin into the body of threats. This is odd really, because the frogs have evolved this defence while having no natural enemies. The target of a frog was Edmund Brodie, a biologist, who suffered intense, radiating pain lasting for over five hours. He was lucky: a gram of this venom can kill 300,000 mice or 80 people. It would take many frogs, though, to make this much toxin. The attack on the scientist was a glancing blow by C. greeningi , which is not as potent as A. brunoi . The team was not going to test out A. brunoi , however. Another thing was learned by the biologis...

Scientists Hold to Outdated Origins of Americans

It is known that genes from ancient France were "inserted" into the Indians of North America very early in settlement days, just after people moved across the land bridge of Siberia to populate the Americas. Despite this finding scientists treat the genetics of people in South America as pure Asian. Furthermore, skeletal evidence of residency go back at least 18,000 years. Some scientists are stubbornly selective. Of course there is proof of the arrival of Vikings on the east coast. This is also ignored. The date of 15,000 years ago is a fixation that all scientists must accept as false: people were in North America thousands of years earlier. New evidence shows that a now extinct group of people came from Asia before the latter "Red" race arrived. This earlier group moved down into Brazil. People of this group also spread to Australia and New Guinea. Now we know where Australian Aboriginals came from. They moved out of Africa well before the mass ...

Patriotic Cat

"Yeah, Independence Day, July 4th."   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New Mustering System to Revolutionize Farming

Cattle mustering has always been a manual labor enterprise.  Little has changed for centuries.  Some minor improvements have occurred but the new Remote Livestock Management System (RLMS) developed by Precision Pastoral Pty Ltd is a leap forward to more efficiency.  Computer Hardware and software are combined in a practical control method.  All animals have to drink.  When Cattle drink at a watering point they are guided through a pathway that identifies, weighs and drafts animals into particular holding pens.  Those who are not ready for market are automatically released back into the paddock.  The system is solar powered so there are virtually no running costs.  Cattle tags are easily read. Growth rates, calving and fertility are all monitored.  Feed supplements can also be effectively regulated.  This will improve profitability for farmers.  They have been waiting a long time for something like this.  Degradation in rangel...