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Showing posts with the label neonicotinoids

Canadian Songbird Loses Weight When Given Neomicotinoid Pesticide Imidacloprid

Pesticides have side effects on animals and humans. A particular  neonicotinoid pesticide is making birds lose weight . In Canadian research crowned sparrows were given low and high amounts of imidaclprid on seeds. Even birds on the low dose lost weight within six hours compared to a control group. The high amount killed some birds. It seems that appetite is suppressed. White-crowned sparrow The aves who received the low dose had transmitters attached and were released. Those on the low dose did not leave for three days and those on the high dose left in four days. The control birds flew within half a day.  It is believed that imidacloprid had to be worked out of the body. Only a minuscule amount of the pesticide stopped the birds from eating. Earlier research has shown that imidacloprid kills bees. It means the whole bird and insect family is susceptible to the pesticide. Something has to be done. Both groups of birds ate agricultural seed from crops and fattene...