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Showing posts with the label taking

Government Bans Kill Human Pleasure

 ▶ A government stops all the fun by legislating bans on the use of beneficial things. However, short term benefits do not outweigh negatives. | illegal notable data government public human form bans compose kill web have screen government syllables mind bans keyboard you write human shown pen you pencil word bans human | age found. government quotes kill blog illegal law ◀ | If you have depression something that makes you feel good is needed.  Valium, Prozac and their variants can be taken.  Only those with low sensitivity thresholds get pleasure from these drugs.  The average person does not get any pleasurable sensation at all.         | bans paragraph phrase government comprehend book monitor kill page government letters pleasure vowels bans dot kill comma capital consonants government create kill solid bans law | States kill all the pleasure in life.  There are substances banned by governments that definitely do give people p...

Flower Squirrel

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Humorous Snigger Views squirrel gives flowers   Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . squirrels animals give flower stone rock male female gift

Complacency and Support for Drug Taking is Dangerous

We are far too complacent about drug taking, assuming that we can just stop at any time. With alcohol use it is clear that this is not the case. Road breath tests frequently find no alcohol in a driver's system, but a drug test shows up positive. It seem that drugs can be substituted for alcohol. So it is wise not to take any drugs even as an experiment. Drug addiction is not rare for the number of drug takers out there. Many think they can stop. They cannot. Even taking drugs regularly in the short term means withdrawal with occur. Furthermore, there is no know real cure apart from complete abstinence. Not much is written about the health risks from drug taking. Many believe that smoking cannabis is completely safe. However, all the problems of smoking tobacco are possible.  All illicit drugs destroy the body.  Drugs are poison, just like alcohol.  Take them at your peril. Another real issue is permanent damage in brain functioning that can aff...

We are Heading Toward a Drugged-Up World

A new survey has found that school children under 17 years who smoke cannabis are less likely to complete their high school education. This is not surprising as cannabis "kills" the rational part of the brain and makes users impulsive, unable to control their actions. Addicts are driven through a path in life from one pleasurable thing to another. They avoid all uncomfortable situations immediately, seeking the nearest pleasure at hand. This is why they end up breaking the law and becoming incarcerated. Suicide is high amongst cannabis users because good experiences are not always for the taking. When one works at a job it is not pleasant, nor is it truly sought after. However, unless the discomfort is suffered there will be no pleasure from spending the income. Legalization for medical use is another step toward general access. Many young people are already unfit for the workforce because schools do not teach work related skills. Education needs radical r...