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Showing posts from July 16, 2017

Natural Gas is an Option for a Green Future

Coal is not the only way of lighting up homes. Natural gas is a fossil fuel that is an option for a cleaner green ecosystem. || australia option future natural future notable green natural option gas natural gas natural green natural option blog green ||  For all the greenhouse gas reduction cacophony little is said about generating electricity with natural gas. For sure, like coal and oil it is non-renewable. However, it is not as dirty as these alternatives. Indeed, 13 percent of power comes from natural gas plants already. This is rising.         | gas green| Electricity prices are increasing, particularly in Australia. This has been caused by public and government pressure on coal power stations to close down. Note that there is solid support for coal in Liberal Party (read conservative) factions.      |||   | option then on future option |     Logic would tell you that there is no way sufficient power can be ge...