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Showing posts with the label society

Manners are Lacking in the Young

Mind your manners. "Sorry, I mean NOT sorry. I'm young I don't have any manners." Observation of people up the age of 35 years shows that few of them know anything about manners. The rules of behavior have died with the technicization of the world.          young interesting entertaining informative info data new tell talking young. The old courtesy of giving a lady your seat on a crowded bus has been forgotten. Today, men treat women as equals so a man would only consider a disabled old lady worthy of their seat. Of course, the majority would not change their "me first" for anyone.    young articles lacking manners utensils belongings and baggage accessories hear paragraph articles young funny stuff kaboodle lacking contrivances listen writing words kit read shebang young lacking rig attachments fittings trappings display provisions tackle young lacking young provisioning fixtures gadgets stock traps furniture apparatus young it lacking...

Single Sex Schools Have Poor Outcomes - Society

Single sex schools are bad for society. Despite excited parents claiming that putting children in single sex classes improves life outcomes, in reality this is far from the truth. Single sex schools, for example, foster gender stereotyping for girls as well as boys. An extremely large study on students in 21 countries found those in mixed sex schools fared better than those in single sex schools. The cultural outlook nurtured by SS schools damaged students for life. It is about time this silliness is stopped, and the fad is put to rest. The world is not made up of one sex. Indeed, there are multiple sexual categories today. Everyone has to fit into this world. Molding people to strongly identify with one category puts them at a disadvantage.  It is not the curriculum that does the damage: it is the socialization process. Narrowly adhering to things about one's own sex does not make for efficient interaction with both males and females in the workplace. Principal...

Predictions About a Cashless Society are Wrong

A cashless society will not happen despite predictions by economist and journalists. In the near future some countries could legislate to ban the use of coins and notes. This will be a drastic move. Indeed, people in the United States would argue that it is a protected right in the Constitution if it passed both governmental houses there. A shop would be stupid to put this sign out A myth is promulgated throughout the world that Singapore is a cashless society. This certainly isn't true. Ninety per cent of consumers in Singapore prefer to use cash rather than electronic payment. Just why there is a push to get rid of cash is a mystery. One can understand governments wanting to keep all transactions visible - it will stop tax evasion. However, there would be no benefit for people generally to use cards and transfers to buy everything. Economists and journalists have got the future totally wrong. How could cash be abandoned when it has almost universal appeal? I...

Australian Wine Society in Debt

Members moves on from the Australian Wine Society. It seems just about everybody is investing in vineyards. The wine industry has drawn in big investors and hobbyists. Unfortunately, people do not think before they jump in. They are seeking to fulfill a dream: there is a certain amount of glamour involved in saying I am a wine maker, a vintner. There is a world glut of wine, particularly the cheap ones. Nations have pushed to establish new vineyards. It has had the aura of a local car industry or airline. Newcomers enter the industry all the time without doing any research and little training. Too much drinking not enough thinking It is not surprise to hear that the oldest wine club in Australia founded in 1946 is literally in the red, by a shocking amount. It owes a staggering $4.2 million to its wine producers. It operates as a distributor, buy and selling, though ostensibly not-for-profit. Supermarket chains sell nearly all wine in Australia and in a situation of overs...

Australian Wine Society in Financial Trouble

HEALTH It seems just about everybody is investing in vineyards. The wine industry has drawn in big investors and hobbyists. Unfortunately, people do not think before they jump in. They are seeking to fulfill a dream: there is a certain amount of glamour involved in saying I am a wine maker, a vintner. Too much drinking not enough thinking There is a world glut of wine, particularly the cheap ones. Nations have pushed to establish new vineyards. It has the aura of a local car industry or airline. Newcomers enter the industry all the time without doing any research and little training. It is no surprise to hear that the oldest wine club in Australia founded in 1946 is in the red, by a shocking amount. It owes a staggering $4.2 million to its wine producers. It operates as a distributor, buy and selling, though ostensibly not-for-profit. Supermarket chains sell nearly all wine in Australia and in a situation of oversupply they don't pay much for it. These major players ...

Extrovert/Introvert Continuum Discovered by Science

Science: Extroverts and introverts are on a continuum. Do you mix with others easily?  Are you a loner?  Human beings can be categorized as extrovert or introvert.  There appears not to be a continuum to give variety to the species.  You are either one or the other. Don't get me wrong here.  Introverts can rise to the occasion and mix in a group.  Oddly, many introverts become entertainers to bring themselves out and beat their fears.  Clearly though, extroverts love other people and get lonely quickly, whereas introverts thrive doing things on their own. After a noisy party where alcohol has temporarily changed introverts into extroverts.  The basically quieter type starts worrying about what he/she said at the bash.  The mixers just get on with life and don't fear anything. Wait on.  Research has shown the people do fit on a continuum.  We cannot all be divided into either mixer or loner, not totally.  To make...

Australia a Cashless Society? Not Bloody Likely!

Experts have predicted that Australia will be cashless by 2022. Even Singapore which planned a cashless society cannot do it completely. Non-cash buying has reached 69 per cent. It has remained there. People love money and sometimes they want to see it. If you take it away they will lose confidence in the currency. This is just common sense. Has Singapore made major steps? Note, the world average for electronic purchasing is 66 percent of consumer spending. A pitiful 3 per cent is not a big step! While 79 per cent of Australians say that using mobile phones to make payments will be standard, most still have some cash in their pocket. What they say and what they do is not the same thing. Purchasing electronically, then going to pick it up will be the norm say 81 per cent. Unfortunately, this is not sustainable. Most pre-purchasers go out to physical shops to view what they intend to buy, looking at variants and price. If four fifths of the population actually did p...

Technology Will Create Unemployment

Get ready for the dole queue as technology puts more people out of work. Even traditional occupations such as law is to be taken over by computers doing routine work. Nearly half of the workforce is predicted to lose their jobs. This is frightening and will be devastating to the economy and society. It seems that efficient technology will take over menial tasks. While it is conceivable that routine work will be done by computers, it is questionable whether laboring tasks will. Even laboring takes a conscious mind to wield the shovel. We do not yet have human-sized robots smart enough to do this. Automated combine harvesters are one thing, but robotised fence repairers - I think not! Australia could make the mistake of hanging on to old ways of making money. Primary products have been the major source for earning foreign exchange for a couple of centuries. Primary products will always be needed. Australia must change, however, to accept new ways of doing things in a ...

The Young Need to Change Their Attitude to the Elderly

There is a lot of talk about the percentage of elderly people in the population increasing as time goes on. It seems rational to suggest that they should stay in the workforce. Unless there is legislation to force young Australians out of the "desk" jobs and into manual labor, this will not happen. As one gets older the body lets you down. You no longer have the stamina to keep going, on a production line for example. Persistent pain that you have to live with is also a problem. Chronic illness can only be treated, not cured. Where do you draw the line between keeping someone at work who is clearly sick or sending them home? When an elderly person says, "I can't do that anymore", maybe they can't. If you are young good health is taken for granted. You heal quickly and continue to enjoy life. For many, to be old is to be sick. Medical specialists do refuse treatment to the elderly because it is seen as a waste of money, notwithstanding th...

Daily Jabs to Control Insulin Ends - Wednesday 21 January 2015, A Great Day!

With today's technology why can't an artificial pancreas be put into a patient's body? Well, now it can! Xavier Hames is only four years old. Autoimmune disease has destroyed his pancreas. An artificial one is working very well indeed inside his body. The artificial pancreas is more a computer than a body organ. It monitors low insulin levels, even predicting its future trends, then controls insulin delivery. It is particularly useful as night when external insulin treatment can fail resulting in a coma. Preparations are in train to implant another artificial pancreas in an adult, Jane Reid. This could mean an end to eight jabs a day to test blood levels of insulin and continuous injections to control it.  This could save governments millions of dollars in the long term. ✴  Health by Ty Buchanan  âœ´ . . . . . ....