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Showing posts with the label bullet

Physics Ties Gunshot Residue to Cartridges

New technology pins criminals to gun crimes.> It is getting more difficult for criminals to get away with breaking the law. If a gun is used it is now possible to match the gunshot residue to specific bullet cartridges. A criminal will probably keep some unused cartridges at his/her home. The shooter will have residue on this body and the gun anyway. Each batch of bullets has a different chemical makeup. Differing amounts of glass fragments is the main difference. Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) and Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) provide extremely detailed analysis of gunshot residue. When a gun is fired, residue to splattered everywhere, on the shooter, the victim and in the wound itself. There is no way of destroying the evidence. Residue can be matched with bullets at a certainty of 99 per cent. It is possible that some innocent people jailed for crimes will be shown to be not guilty with the used of the new techn...

Bullet Train for Australia - Not Yet!

Australia has always wanted a high speed train. The problem is there are great distances to travel and a complete rebuild of tracks will have to be done.  Like roads in Australia there is not the money to put down a decent foundation for them like they do in Europe where people live close together. If it was to be done the first location would be from Melbourne to Sydney.  That is where most choose to travel for vacation and business.  Governments of both political persuasions have set up inquiries then rejected the findings in the past. Some are saying that with the economic downturn investment in a bullet train would create jobs.  The real problem is who is going to pay for it?' Victoria and NSW say that the federal government should pay.  A joint investment program will be needed, however. ◆ Technology by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solut...