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Showing posts with the label wheels

Plans to Produce Electric Cars in Australia - Engineering

Yes, we know that electric battery cars cost as much to run as petrol ones, but demand is increasing. An Australian company is planning to make the little beasties. The number of quiet cars purchased increases by 40 percent every year. Australasia has had a slow uptake, favoring combustion engine powered motors. ACE Electric Vehicles (formerly GetGreen) intends to alter that. The business began by producing solar farm equipment. It is based in regional Queensland. The firm has patented its manufacturing process. Production will start later in 2018. To suit the Australian market a ute (Yewt) is the going to be the first model offered. This will be followed by a van aimed at commercial operators. They will be basic products selling for less than $40,000. The power train will give 40 kilowatt per hour with a range  of 350 kilometers. While it will be ticketed as an item of Australia, only assembly will be done here. Manufacture of components will be in China. The long term go...

Natural Gas is an Option for a Green Future

Coal is not the only way of lighting up homes. Natural gas is a fossil fuel that is an option for a cleaner green ecosystem. || australia option future natural future notable green natural option gas natural gas natural green natural option blog green ||  For all the greenhouse gas reduction cacophony little is said about generating electricity with natural gas. For sure, like coal and oil it is non-renewable. However, it is not as dirty as these alternatives. Indeed, 13 percent of power comes from natural gas plants already. This is rising.         | gas green| Electricity prices are increasing, particularly in Australia. This has been caused by public and government pressure on coal power stations to close down. Note that there is solid support for coal in Liberal Party (read conservative) factions.      |||   | option then on future option |     Logic would tell you that there is no way sufficient power can be ge...

Bike Dog

"What do you reckon about my new bike?" Funny Animal Photos cat gets knife Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● ⌘   Vista Computer Solutions Blog   ⌘ ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . free funny animals pictures amusing comical strange peculiar odd free news DOG GETS BIKE dog has new bike blue riding fur hair balance sitting Ridiculous Varmint Depictions Comical Critter Portrayals Humorous Creature Snaps Amusing Zoological Shots Entertaining Feral Images Ludicrous Monster Depictions Playful Varmint Likenesses Silly Beast Snapshots Jolly Quadruped Pictures Snigger Views grin free news

Lines Like Those in Nazca Found in the Middle East

Nazca lines are not only in South America. Similar lines have been found in the Middle East. Satellite-mapping brought the lines to light in Jordan. The lines are not composed of base desert cleared of stones. They are made of stone and go from Saudi Arabia to Syria. Many designs can be seen, the most common being spoked wheels. They go through lava fields and are 2,000 years old. This is much older than the Nazca lines. The area covered is more extensive than Nazca. The sections with the spoked wheels have a function. They are part of kites which "funnel" animals thus trapping them. Other lines are cairns that run from burial sites. Walls and other structures have no apparent purpose. Some areas have clusters of spoked wheels. They are believed to have ritual significance linked to the seasons as in Nazca.