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Aboriginal Australians Inhabited the Western Desert 43,000 Years Ago

In the 20th century it was accepted that Australian Aboriginals had first arrived more than 50,000 years ago. Then science brought this forward to perhaps 40,000 years from the present. New research puts the date to at least 43,000 years in the desert. A rock shelter in the Australian Western Desert had human habitation until the end of the most recent Ice Age. Researchers now agree that occupation of Australia goes back over 60,000 years. A hafted multifunctional tool found at the desert site shows the tech was used 15,000 years earlier than believed. Aboriginal culture did advance technologically as they spread right across the continent probably within 10,000 years of their arrival. Rock art was developed in recent times, but it was a culmination of evolving adaptation. ◆  ANTHROPOLOGY   ◆ Tys Outback Amusing Animal Pics Odd Weird Things Reviews ● Vista Computer Answers . . . . . . . . ..........................

Origin of Civilization Shown by Swedish Petroglyphs

 ▶Societies origin is told by rock carvings. They are preserved on rock - civilization.| origin or rock oh have so origin ah you on shown so you or have oh petroglyphs | age found. swedish ◀ | You don't think of Sweden as a place where Man's past has been recorded. However, petroglyphs which are image outlines marked in the rockface are common in that country. They have been maintained by people throughout the ages. The first "drawings" were made 4,000 years ago.      | of rock it sea you origin or civilization up have we shown of origin in you ho petroglyphs oh civilization la shown ha sea go have oh petroglyphs shown civilization or sea | Depictions show close affinity with the sea and nature. Bowmen hunt animals among longships. It is a mishmash of activity. Bulls and antlered stags are everywhere. There are even giants with spindly legs. Some similar sites are in the British Isles and Spain, the idea taken there by Scandinavians moving west. ...