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Showing posts with the label genes

Fossil Indicates Denisovans Had Fingers Similar To Human

Denisovans were similar to humans . A finger bone has been found that is human-like. Neanderthals had quite different fingers than Homo sapiens. Only five fossils remain of Denisovans a little finger, a mandible and three molars. Despite artistic depictions of the hominid it is not know what they looked like. Denisovans  were much further ahead in their development than Neanderthals. It seems that  Denisovans  and humans followed a similar evolutionary path , while Neanderthals became large animal hunters and developed muscular bodies. Neanderthal could have taken on dangerous animals and survive while humans would succumb. Though  Denisovans  branched off from Neanderthals , just why they became more like humans is not known. Maybe common habitats make for creatures of the same ilk. There is evidence that the three types of apes interbred. This is a mystery in itself because the missing Y Chromosome would make fertile progeny impossible. What ma...

DNA of Australian Wild Rice Put Into Commercial Varieties

Northern Australia has rice of the wild kind which could improve food security for the world. Its genetic tree has been mapped out. The strain a very hardy type, disease and pest resistant as well as surviving drought. It was the forerunner of Asian rice. ⎳ varieties dna x australian to wild x rice x put x into x an x commercial x varieties | | ⎳ Hopefully, the grain can be incorporated into existing commercial rice. Varieties of the valuable resource grow profusely up north. Till now, they have been totally ignored. The NT, Queensland and WA could be become a vast future food bowl.   ⦿ blog dna a a to a wild a rice a put a into a an a commercial a ⦿ Bacterial leaf spot, rice blast and brown spot do serious damage to established farmed crops. DNA modification is an easy way to cut production costs because these diseases have to be chemically treated.   ⧗ put b dna b austraian b to b wild b put b into b an b commercial b ⧗ It is possible that australian vari...

Giant Chickens Roamed Australia

Xmas dinner would be a real pig-out if the giant chooks were still around. â—˜1 Giant for Chickens or Roamed it xxxxxxxx giant â—˜1 Large flightless birds in the northern and southern hemispheres evolved independently. This proves that animals evolve to fill environmental niches. Chicken-like birds as large as a horses lived in Australia 50,000 years ago.         â—™2 yyyyyyyyyy giant roamed chickens giant â—™2 If they were around today, they could provide an evening meal for a whole street. Imagine the size of eggs in the supermarket. Of course there would be a lot of humongous animals running around trying to eat us.   ⦿3 zzzzzzzzzzz in roamed on chickens in giant large birds ⦿3 Dromornithidae  were not exactly like chickens. They had bulbous beaks and weighed in at 650  kilograms . Not related to emus, they roamed right across the continent.  Mihirungs  fossils dating back 50 million years have been found.      ...

Elovanoid Identification - Better Eyesight Repair

Identification of elovanoid has illuminated knowledge of how the body-defence system functions. Visionary balance must be known to apply it. â—˜1 identification elovanoid is a that is an better for eyesight identification australia better repair elovanoid repair notable eyesight elovanoid better identification elovanoid better blog future â—˜1 New things are being discovered almost daily. The future for mankind looks bright. Despite problems in the world, improvements in people's lives are eventuating. Just how economically feasible new developments are is a sticking point. The cost of health care has become an issue in most countries.         â—™2 eyesight better then on repair better identification eyesight or repair chain â—™2 Having good eyesight is important for everyone. As we get older there is a gradual deterioration. Damage accumulates over the years. It was thought that a substance is responsible for repairing failing sight. This injury fighter has be...

Beware DNA Lifestyle Coaches

 â–¶ There is a trend toward acceptance of coaches for lifestyle choices formulated on DNA - beware! | sequencing stories news.| â—€ | People are wrongly accepting advice from so called experts after taking a DNA test.  Lifestyle coaches have become popular. However, not enough is known about DNA sequencing. It is just fortune telling at the moment.    ||| diet lifestyle do DNA to beware is coaches || Guidance is about changing one's diet. It is based on snippets of DNA, not the whole genome; so it not really gene sequencing analysis. For evaluation of suitable diet, billions of subjects would have to be tested.  Are the needs of individuals different?  This question is not answered yet.     ||| lifestyle as DNA it beware go coaches | diet on sequencing on lifestyle | ||     Most would lose weight and become fitter if they adopted the Mediterranean regime and exercised, which is what they are usually told to do.  Taking more vitamins...

Mutation Killed off the Woolly Mammoth

When a warmer climate spread across the world, mammoths were in deep trouble.  Melting snow together with predation by humans made the animals extinct.  There numbers dwindled to zero in 6,000 years.  A strange thing happened during this time.  The species tried to adapt and threw up countless mutations.  Most were destructive.   | â–¶ optimum not stories news. | mutations mammoths killed â—€ | The long dark coat, so good as insulation from the cold, became like satin and light could shine through it.  They got severe irritable bowel syndrome due to their loss of smell.    It stopped them from mating due to protein changes in the creature's urine.    | â–¶ | australian| mutations â—€ |     These changes are now known from two specimens in Siberia.  One on the mainland and another on a rock island.  It was the slightly later Wrangel Island specimen that had an over representation of genetic mutations. Those who...

Anthropology Was Wrong About Races

     â–¶ A race is not real. Those in a particular pool genetically are alike. stories and news anthropology wrong races array machinery baggage sets devices outfit tools taking vestiges anthropology gadget Attachments listen fixtures contrivances facilities material anthropology at appurtenances kit words kaboodle belongings furnishings apparatus anthropology as in trappings habiliments rig display article shebang attachment anthropology as wrong to races ornaments utensils fittings stock pad setup stuff accompaniments anthropology an wrong to races gadgets contraptions happening things tackle accessories teams furniture writing provisions fashion and appliances collections read equipage ear impediments things traps provisioning paragraph | news stories |â—€ | Anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenback promulated a concept that changed the way members of societies thought about the structure of Mankind for generations. Unfortunately, the belief was absolutely wrong. ...

Anthropology Has New Theory on Australian Aboriginals

New theory on Australian Aboriginals - Anthropology. Australian Aboriginals split from Eurasians and moved south into the dry continent. Twenty thousand years later the world warmed up and Australia was cut off from its northern neighbors. This is the latest theory.  But when Europeans initially came to Queensland there were two types of native people. Each was a distinct genetic pool. One was like Papua New Guineans. The other was very slight and shorter. It is the latter that predominates today. Papua New Guineans Australian Aboriginals Some scientists still hold that there was only one move out of Africa. This is an unsustainable supposition. The doors for movement were always open. Australian Aboriginals were quite unique. It seems that they were the first to leave Africa. There is also the question of Tasmanian Aboriginals who were wiped out by arriving Europeans. There is no evidence of them now. They could not light fires. The flames had to be stol...

Tasmanian Devil Resistance to Facial Cancer (DFTD)

Biological research shows genetic resistance to Tasmanian devil disease. The Tasmanian devil is an animal unique to Australia. It Once resided all over the continent. Perhaps is was easy for Aboriginals to catch for food. It cannot run very fast. It could just have died out due to a warming of the country. Tasmania is its only natural home today. Their raucous cries led to them being named devils by European settlers. They are violent to each other though attacks on humans are virtually non-existent. Scavenging for food is their number one priority. A facial disease began in the species in 1996. It was unusual in that it is the only known cancer transmitted from animal to animal. Tasmanian devil numbers fell by 80 per cent in twenty years due to Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (DFTD). Extinction was predicted. However, it was noticed that some animals survived without getting the disease. Genes were examined and these devils had five genes not present in ...

Genetic Modification in for Health Out for Food

Genetic modification is favored in health but not for food. Convincing people to eat genetically modified food still has a long way to go to gain majority acceptance. Yet, just about everyone is in favor of using gene technology to treat health problems. This is a strange anomaly. Gene manipulation of any kind will change the world we live in. Once a change has been made and it spreads through the environment it is there forever. Drug companies admit they have lost the war in Europe. There is no way that GM food will ever be accepted there. It is largely an emotional decision, not scientifically based. Possibly, in the near future, Europe will ban DNA experimentation in health as well. This will be counter-productive. If money is invested in nations that welcome gene science then the environment will change anyway because we all live in the same world. There is a major problem looming, however, on the real future of genetically modified crops. To be profitable far...