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Showing posts with the label pharmacists

Lice Treatment Endangers Children

 ▶ It has been discovered that the treatment for lice endangers our children. | stories news.| ◀ | Pyrethroids are commonly used in the home. You buy spray to repel mosquitoes or to eradicate lice off the supermarket shelf and assume that it is safe.  Unfortunately, it has dangers. A French research team tested 287 women and six years later examined their children.    ||| lice do treatment to endangers is children | pyrethroid lice | Pregnant mothers who have a particular pyrethroid in their urine can give birth to children with life problems. The youngsters are withdrawn and anxious. Another pyrethroid in children's waterworks makes them hyperactive. They show their feelings too readily and are aggressive.     ||| lice as treatment it endangers go children | lice | pyrethroid ||     Permethrin is in lice treatments and scabies creams. Though recommended for use on toddlers over six months of age, manufacturers know it is unsafe. Profit outweig...

Drug Companies and Pharmacists Want More Regulation

It is always a worry when drug manufacturers and pharmacists force themselves on decision-making bodies. Self interest rules both groups. Drug manufacturers want to increase sells and raise prices by " hook or by crook ". Pharmacists want to hold onto their monopoly provided first by a piece of paper provided by a college and secondly by the government paymaster. Pharmacists are like real estate agents - there is one on every street corner. In a competitive market this shouldn't be the case. Skills learned at university in chemistry is never used. Everything today is prepackaged. An unskilled person could do the job. They even want to do the work of doctors extending prescription repeats. The Victorian Pharmaceutical Misuse Summit includes the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. They want to bring in a medication monitoring system to reduce the number of drug overdoses. Being cynical, confiscation would be an ideal tact to increase sales. But aren't over...

Pharmcists Should Stay Out of Mental Health

Pharmacists should stay out of health treatment and do what they do best - glorified clerks. They have no training in curing disease. Their education is solely based on chemical analysis. They are scientists not physicians. Ask their advice and they tell you what is written on the packet. Now the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is saying pharmacists are qualified to treat people with mental illness. They may "give" drugs to such patients but they do not prescribe them. Heaven help us if they get involved will-nilly in advising those with mental disorders. Having someone continually talking in your ear about how to take your prescription medicine it not going to help one recover. Doctors need direct contact with a patient to give the greatest assistance. Having a pharmacist in the middle is only going to mess things up. A mental patient is already stressed. Saying pharmacists will reduce medication errors is implying that they have qualifications to oversee physi...

Patients Do Not Take Medications Correctly

With probably one of the best prescription medicine schemes in the world which is heavily subsidized it is surprising that many people do not take their medications when they should. A third of patients just forget to take them. An odd finding is that 67 per cent do not usually miss a dose but 71 per cent take less than the prescribed amount. New schemes where pharmacists give advice will probably not help because listening now does not affect behavior later. Hospital admissions due to taking more and less than the prescribed medication amount will continue. With the pressures of daily life people seem to have more important concerns than their health. ~~~~~ Health ~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Gives Money so Flood Affected Pharmacists Can Get Back into Business Quickly

Talk about looking after your own - the better off looking after each other. The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is setting up a register of pharmacists affected by the floods. Pharmacists in unaffected states are offering to give financial help. This is disgraceful! What about patients who cannot get necessary supplies, now? This is a case of a privileged group looking after themselves. It should be condemned. It is okay for them to give money to each other. The ordinary person gives a general donation and it is given to recipients based on need. At a time like this some people think only of money. Getting food, warm clothing and needed medications should be the main priority. The PSA should be giving millions of dollars to welfare organisations for this purpose, not thinking of setting up shop as soon as possible to make money. The truth is pharmacists don't compete with each other. It is like a "buddy" club. http://www....