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Showing posts with the label stocks

Fish Conservation is Failing

Conservation: Overfishing is just as toxic as pollution. G+ We are already running out of food.  If carbon dioxide doesn't kill us diminishing fish stocks will.  Soon, the humble fish and chips will cost too much for most people.  When the crunch comes the decline will be sudden over a period of five years.  It will not be possible to increase fish stocks in the medium term and some fish species will disappear forever. People must eat and in Asia in particular daily fishing is part of everyday life.  There will be little chance of a freeze on fishing.  It they are allowed to keep fishing and Western countries stop they will export to the lucrative fishing markets and nothing will change. Manufacturers like Birds Eye are alreading putting "rubbish" fish in their food products rather than the old reliable species.  When you get a fishy taste that is the second rate fish formally called baitfish.  It is so bad that major predators have fallen by 90 percent over the last

Hazel Bishop's Long Lasting Lipsick

It was during the Depression. The world seemed to be coming to an end - the worst financial crisis the world had ever seen. Yet, out there, someone was thinking of the future. Hazel Bishop had a dream of setting up her own successful business. And she had ideas! The lady had to end her studies because she had no money to pay for a higher degree. Her only asset was a bachelors degree in chemistry. This was enough, however. At the time the makeup market was sown up by large companies who blocked access to newcomers. Hazel could see no barriers. She set about experimenting with different ingredients for lipstick. The old joke of a man kissing a woman then going home to his wife who could see the smear of lipstick on his face was doing the rounds - a real "found out" joke. It was common knowledge at the time that bromo acids stained the lips, the drawback being that the acid peeled the top layer of skins off. Hazel searched for an additive which would preven