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Showing posts with the label hospitals

Australian My Health Record Will be a Failure

The Australian government is in trouble over its planned introduction of My Health Record, a centralized storage of personal medical history. Closure of the opt-out date has been pushed forward several times. There is no way the government can continue to claim that the system will be secure. This is impossible. The weak link in the chain is human. Doctors, nurses and general hospital staff will have access. They will be able to print out any one's record and take a copy home. International criticism revolves around the outdated methods to be used. The main storage medium will be PDF. Searching these for significant insights into a patient's history will be problematic. Ease of searching is paramount. Systems to be adopted in the US and China have separate computer codes for different medication, test results and diseases. This improves searching by clinicians. The FHIR system was developed in Australia but it is the only country not adopting it. As always, Australian ...

Many Factors Involved in Longevity

Live to be 150 years old. But can you afford it? To live that long will take genetic manipulation and intensive drug therapy. Research has shown that the primary thing extending life is diet. Remove processed food completely and you will live longer. That is all processed food. New evidence shows that people did live into their eighties centuries ago. Note, there were no processed foods then. Meat and vegetable were eaten every meal. Even bread kept the attributes of the grain. What brings the average life-span down is the large number of people dying in accidents. Suicide is another factor. Improved health care will extend life over coming decades. That is if taxpayers can afford it, which is doubtful. Much is said about good genes predisposing a person for a long life. However, personality is important. How you choose to live determines longevity. Good food. regular exercise and mixing socially are major factors. It is important to be positive. Keeping the brain acti...

Research has not Progressed Since HIV Patient was Cured

A cure for Aids became possible for a patient, but Medicine has not progressed from that time. research progressed research It's a miracle: a man is cured of HIV, the only man in the world ever to be cured as a matter of fact. This has not been replicated since. The patient was an American who was treated in Germany in 2007 for leukemia.   ⎳ research a progressed a since a With a hiv a patient a cured ⎳ research progressed hiv The treatment involved a stem cell transplant. A rare genetic mutation called CCR5-delta 32 was in the DNA of the donor. It was this that cured the disease. You would think a quest would have begun for other carriers of the useful molecular sport. Sadly, it was not done. The search continues for a cure by traditional chemical methods. Money drives research.    ⦿3 patient research b progressed b patient b since b With b hiv b patient b cured ⦿3 Some brave people are still quietly trying to understand why Timothy Ray Brown's life was chan...

Doctors Suggest Antibiotics to Patients

 ▶ doctors letters written with cordings made of hairs from animals | patients. | doctors +prescriptions + pharmacists + antibiotics + suggest + doctors + pharmacists prescriptions + doctors ha antibiotics patients pharmacists prescriptions spanish blog adventure| found. ◀ | Should people try to benefit now from taking antibiotics or care about coming generations having successful treatment of dangerous diseases? Superbugs are common across the world with only a few antibiotics beating them.      ||| prescriptions suggest patients or antibiotics if pharmacists suggest doctors me prescriptions found as antibiotics found pharmacists eh patients en doctors prescriptions go patients pharmacists antibiotics treatment | Patients are usually blamed for their antibiotic "addiction". However, it is GPs who decide to prescribe them.  In many cases they suggest the medication. It is just good luck that family doctors cannot offer the antimicrobial last-resorts ...

Problems With Drinking Alcohol

There is much talk about allowing sales of alcohol in service stations and corner stores.  Of course, it is by vested interests in order to make more profit.  The weakness is that allowing small businesses to be distributors will bring on calls by supermarket to stock beer, wine and spirits as well. . There are social issues with too much imbibing particularly in the family. alcohol abuse and alcoholism form español fact management guidelines effects on the body on a single occasion publications content research news national co-occurring overview alcohol abuse and alcoholism publications events effects on the body on a single occasion webzine national funding events search press on get alcohol process resources en special professional skip alcohol on alcohol materials search bulletin resources intramural education funding populations niaaa exposure / journal classroom bank fetal use to application main grant reporting alcohol alcohol your video videocasts treatment health ...

British Doctors Living in Australia Not Tempted Home

The call for British born doctors to return "home" to England because the country is short of GPs will fall on deaf ears. Medical professionals have moved to Australia for higher income, better lifestyle and great weather. If the UK wants to keep its doctors it will have to pay them more and make sure there housing is top class. Central heating is a must-have in England. I used to live there and for 365 days a year my feet were cold despite wearing fur-lined boots. The Australian sun is the driving force for people moving here. The cold country cannot offer this. Career breaks for British doctors invariably turn into permanent relocation to a healthier outdoor lifestyle. The only thing that can make immigrants change their mind is a massive increase in income and the British government is not offering much. Talk is cheap and it will not convince ex-patriots. A recruitment drive must offer something significant. Otherwise it will be a waste of money. Doct...

Private Health Insurance Fiasco in Australia

The government intends to ruin Australia's private medical insurance system. With privatization Medibank Private Health Insurance will become like all the other funds. The Commonwealth bank was once owned by the government. it is now just another bank. At the moment Medibank has two "branches". One (Medicare) refunds part of the fee charged by specialists, blood tests and various bills from hospitals. The other is a private health insurance fund. There is a problem here, however. Medibank and Medibank Private are both registered names held by the federal government. How can a public company and a private company use the same business name? One of these will have to change its name. People are being offered shares in Medibank Private. How long can this be allowed to continue? Isn't it illegal? Future shareholders must be told what will be done about this. A change in name will have a disastrous affect on the value of shares. There is no doubt that Medi...

New Medical Treatments Take Forever to Perfect

Major medical advances are a long time coming. Development of a reliable blood sugar level monitoring method for type 1 diabetes is a case in point. It has been claimed as a revolutionary achievement. It consists of a monitor connected to an insulin pump. With all the money being poured into research this should have been done years ago. Heart surgery hasn't moved much further forward than the first transplant in South Africa decades ago. Stents are still the primary treatment. The number of heart transplant recipients remains very small indeed. Artificial hearts are still not safe enough for general use. Cancer shrinking techniques have been identified but they have not been perfected. DNA treatment is a long way down the track. Much hope had been raise over stem cell research. This has slowed right down. Surgical "tricks' have been done in one-off procedures. Getting them into general hospital systems is not happening though. Drug companies are pushing very expensive med...