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Showing posts with the label aliens

Alens Are Watching or Maybe Germans - From Inside the Earth!

They are here! The bug eyed, green aliens that is.  A scientist supports the view that we are being visited by aliens. In Professor Davies' opinion these non-Earth creatures have lived here inside the planet for centuries. They live in places which is too inhospitable for humans. That is why they have not been discovered - at least by the general public. These lifeforms are not made of the same stuff as humans, he concludes. He also says that finding them "would be the biggest discovery in biology since Darwin and evolution". He ain't kiddin'. It would shock people out of their complacency! But, he is only saying what many people have been thinking for decades - that governments have already met these aliens and have reached an agreement with them which allows human experimentation. In return, governments like the US get information that enables them to make giant steps in the development of weaponry. We have to be careful about people making outlandish claim...

Tranferring Human Minds to Robots Is a Pipe Dream

Some people assume too much. This applies to the scientific sphere where people can "get ahead of themselves" and make claims about achievements that are only in the "possible" stage. Science is advancing very fast, but some things are still out of reach. People in positions of power due to wealth or public office can make the wrong decision. A group of 100 scientists have been put together by Dmitry Itskov a Russian entrepreneur to download, or upload depending how you look at it, human minds into robots. This is fairy tale stuff. They expect to complete this within 10 years. This is probably at least 30 years away. These human/robot "things" Itskov has called Avatars. He claims it will mean immortality for humans who agree to have their minds "implanted" into robots. This is a silly point of view. Unless consciousness is transferred as well there is no immortality. Claims that consciousness will be transferred with the mind are no...

Australian UFO Files Lost

Don't bother doing research on UFOs in Australia: the files have disappeared. The Sydney Morning Herald put in a freedom of information request to write a story. It is feared that the files have been destroyed. Data only remains for UFOs at Woomera. It is not really a problem because the Australian Government stopped collecting new data in 2000. Much of the interesting stuff has already been published in books. UFO buffs are of course calling it a government conspiracy. If there are aliens out there please make your presence known to all of us. It is so silly playing hide and seek. If you did visit our leaders it had no effect. They obviously feel you are not worth talking about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Society