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Showing posts with the label environmentalists

Cull of Brumby Horses Necessary

Horses are not native to Australia. Over the centuries domesticated horses have run wild across the land. The wild "breed" of horses are called Brumbies. Like the introduced camels they reach pest proportions. Environmentalists usually kick up a fuss when it is decided to carry out a cull. However, this is necessary as they do not have natural predators here. Horses, donkeys and camels are dying of starvation as the land will not support the numbers. It is more humane to shoot them. farmers establish water points for cattle and sheep. The wild animals hang around water holes and eventually destroy them. Consequently, native species are dying from lack of water. Culling is being done from helicopters. The shooters are very accurate and there is no suffering. Unfortunately, it is necessary to leave the animals where they die because it is too expensive to take them to an abattoir to use as pet food. It is a pity really. Ancestors of the horses were used by the Aus...

Who Is Spoilt Mr Forrest?

Andrew Forrest chairman of Fortescue Metals Group has been a critic of the mining tax. This appears to be for mainly selfish reasons though he does claim that the tax will reduce investment in the mining sector. He does not come across as a caring person and worrying about the future economic welfare of other Australians seems to be far from his thoughts. It is odd that when people criticize others the name calling seems to apply more appropriately to the caller than the target. When he calls environmentalists "spoilt children" a good look at him shows he is the spoilt one. As well as mining he is a farmer, so he often faces harassment from greenies. Being a free society Mr Forrest has a right to say this, or say anything else that intends to bring all environmentalists down. However, a cursory glance at Andrew Forrest makes one feel that there isn't much in his almost empty head apart from a dollar sign. http://www.ty...