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Showing posts with the label triathlon

Drone Lands on Athlete - Injuries

Companies are announcing delivery of parcels and takeaway food by drone. This is all advertising bling. It cannot possibly happen. Strict aviation rules will apply and this will completely rule them out. They are too dangerous. Imagine one landing on a crowd of people. Its rotors would cut flesh everywhere. At the moment there is no restriction on their use in most countries because not many are in use. As accidents happen there will be strong calls for limitations on who can fly them. An athlete in an Australian triathlon was hit by a drone carrying a camera. She suffered lacerations to her head. The owners of the drone said he was not hurt. In other words they denied responsibility. The first thing that must be implemented is insurance for these "flying attack vehicles". Wire protectors covering the rotors is another option. Part of a propeller was stuck in the runners head. To say she was making up her injuries is rubbish - she had three stitches. ...

Triathletes Need to Consume Carbohydrates

This subject is topical at the moment with the Olympic Games in full swing. The triathlon is a popular sport where spectators admire the determination of athletes to push through the pain barrier and keep on going to the finish. Little work has been done on understanding how much damages is done to the body. The half triathlon also called the intermediate or Standard distance run at the Olympics has become popular with many who just want to keep fit. Tests show significant reduction in knee extensor and flexure muscle strength at the end of an event. The ability to jump up off the ground is also reduced. Considering dehydration and stores of carbohydrates which have been lost it is no surprise that weakness continues for some time after competing. However, dehydration was only minor in tested athletes. It seems the fat and muscle loss is the main cause. Participants in triathlons should concentrate on ingesting carbohydrates as well as fluid. Keeping blood glucose high has been...