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Showing posts with the label drinking

New Tasmanian Law Bans Barbecue Smoke - Un-Australian

New Tasmanian laws to ban smoke are a joke and out of touch with reality. While the rest of the world goes on its merry way it will have no positive effect. Diesel trucks pump tonnes of filth into the atmosphere and there is no legislation to stop them. Not only will the new rules stop gardeners from burning waste vegetation, barbecues will be monitored as well. Recently a new type of barbecue has been released called the "turbo" or "low'n'slow" which increases the flavor of meat by creating more smoke. Ban criteria are just pulled out of the air. Smoke should not be visible for more than 10 minutes continuously. A fireplace cannot give off smoke for longer than 30 seconds. How are you going to stop burning wood from constantly giving off smoke? Fines are extremely large - $1,600 for the first offence. This is bureaucracy gone mad. If you are having problems with a neighbor they can make your life hell by reporting you for every fire you light ...

New Way to Purify Water is Discovered

The  Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection system is widely used throughout the world to produce clean water.  However, it has problems that are seldom mentioned. Microorganisms are removed but salts, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and chlorine are not.  The method does use huge amounts of electricity, so there is always the danger of outage.  If the base water has solids this blocks light and it does not work. purify New in Way on Water Discovered purify Scientists have been trying to find another way for a long time.  The Australian National University has managed to identify and alternative. Organic pollutants are decomposed by using modified titanium dioxide as a photocatalyst on sunlight.  Nitrogen and niobium atoms boost the process.  Discovered water purify ways new. The technique has a wide range of uses, for drinking water, making hydrogen fuel, glassmaking, and self-cleaning building materials.  It is more co...

Drinking Alcohol Does Not Help the Heart for Everyone

__ .. Your Genes dictate whether you will get health benefits from what you consume. genes | health drinking of alcohol heart everyone fashion Attachments sets stuff contraptions drinking setup capacity ornaments alcohol material shebang outfit attachment tools | drinking |belongings things and machinery alcohol at heart gadgets array teams happening baggage devices provisions appliances alcohol as heart in everyone trappings pad things writing contrivances read furniture listen article alcohol and heart to everyone rig collections stock habiliments fittings instructions accompaniments alcohol and heart on everyone kaboodle accessories display traps gadget fixtures ear provisioning facilities vestiges furnishings paragraph kit appurtenances apparatus taking words impediments utensils tackle equipage | everyone news stories | health genes cent ester .. __ | The claim that alcohol improves the health of your heart is questionable. Only about 15 percent of people have the cholester...

Fresh Water is Becoming undrinkable

   ▶ Water undrinkable due to global warming and pollution water not fresh undrinkable provisioning display appliances contraptions warming contrivances stock teams fresh traps pad things paragraph shebang attachment apparatus fashion words fresh at water fittings accompaniments accessories utensils stuff listen gadgets fresh as | news stories| in undrinkable tackle and article collections array belongings trappings machinery fresh and undrinkable drink furnishings impediments setup writing taking facilities furniture fresh and undrinkable drink outfit habiliments happening read rig appurtenances vestiges tools kaboodle devices ear baggage Attachments things sets equipage material ornaments provisions gadget fixtures kit instructions gain | news stories |◀ | Fresh drinking water comes mainly from rivers, lakes and reservoirs. a person who studies these is a limnologist. Lakes are ecosystems which can serve as sentinels of climate change. Global and warming and pollution dam...

Australlana - Lace Monitor Lizard

The Lace Monitor lizards in an Australiana icon. There are several kinds of goanna in Australia. The largest is the Lace Monitor, Varannus varius . It lives in trees and in summer it is very active hunting for food. In winter is slows down and spends its days resting in hollows in trees. They often hang around picnickers looking for food scraps. Some people fear goannas, but for the most part the reptile is harmless - they could hardly swallow a human whole. They would rather run than bite a large living animal: their main target is carrion. When male Lace Monitors mate they go through the set patterns of who is the strongest to get the female.  Having young is an easy matter. A female lays her eggs in a termites nests which stays at a steady 31°C. Aboriginals used goanna oil to ease body pain and as a protective layer on wounds. Early European settlers used the oil on guns as it was a good substitute for standard lubricating oil.   Goanna linament do...

Australian Wine Society in Debt

Members moves on from the Australian Wine Society. It seems just about everybody is investing in vineyards. The wine industry has drawn in big investors and hobbyists. Unfortunately, people do not think before they jump in. They are seeking to fulfill a dream: there is a certain amount of glamour involved in saying I am a wine maker, a vintner. There is a world glut of wine, particularly the cheap ones. Nations have pushed to establish new vineyards. It has had the aura of a local car industry or airline. Newcomers enter the industry all the time without doing any research and little training. Too much drinking not enough thinking It is not surprise to hear that the oldest wine club in Australia founded in 1946 is literally in the red, by a shocking amount. It owes a staggering $4.2 million to its wine producers. It operates as a distributor, buy and selling, though ostensibly not-for-profit. Supermarket chains sell nearly all wine in Australia and in a situation of overs...

Will You Drink Crap Water?

Sewerage is just a load of crap. If you think this you are on the wrong track. It can be a valuable commodity. The cleaning process begins with a giant comb that lets the good stuff through and blocks the solids - tampons, tennis balls, toys, sneakers, marbles, cardboard and so on are discarded. The second stage involves very fine polymer membranes. The membrane pores are less than a millionth of a millimeter thick which filters out microscopic contaminants. That is all there is to it, just fine filters Purified sewerage is used to water crops and is pumped into the mains water supply for drinking by the public. It is claimed that it is better than bottled water from mineral springs. This of course is a bold-faced lie. It still contains some ultra-fine remnants of crap! ◆   Chemistry by Ty Buchanan   ◆ Adventure Australia Funny Animal Photos Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● Vista Computer Solutions Blog     ...

Fox Night Out

"I enjoyed the night out.  How about you?" Funny Animal Photos fox foxes drinking pub Adventure Australia Funny Weird Things Articles News Reviews ● ✤ Vista Computer Solutions Blog ✤ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . . . . . fox two pair holding arms drunk night out alcohol fur rough tired FOXES ON THE TOWN DRINKING

Drinking Cat

  "You can stand on me next, George!"    ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Beer Dog

"I do like a beer."   ✿   ✴  Funny Animal Photos by Ty Buchanan   ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Drink Your Own P.

It says in the Bible that a time will come when Man will eat his own .... and drink his own .... This is not so absurd as it sounds. Already effluent is cleaned and recycled as drinking water in populated cities. Plans are also afoot to use human waste as crop fertilizer. With reusable energy a high priority for the future, this agenda will probably be followed for high density regions of the world. If clean water is not available everywhere disease will spread across the globe. Production of food will also have to be maximized. Human waste is not the primary fertilizer yet. Obtaining sufficient amounts of food and water is under threat from global warming. Make no mistake : climate change is a reality. It is not a fear campaign by the political Left.  Denial is stupidity.  The planet is a degree warmer today that is has been in past centuries.  Predictions of a rise of at least two degrees are in the offing. The Internet has come at the right time...

Complacency and Support for Drug Taking is Dangerous

We are far too complacent about drug taking, assuming that we can just stop at any time. With alcohol use it is clear that this is not the case. Road breath tests frequently find no alcohol in a driver's system, but a drug test shows up positive. It seem that drugs can be substituted for alcohol. So it is wise not to take any drugs even as an experiment. Drug addiction is not rare for the number of drug takers out there. Many think they can stop. They cannot. Even taking drugs regularly in the short term means withdrawal with occur. Furthermore, there is no know real cure apart from complete abstinence. Not much is written about the health risks from drug taking. Many believe that smoking cannabis is completely safe. However, all the problems of smoking tobacco are possible.  All illicit drugs destroy the body.  Drugs are poison, just like alcohol.  Take them at your peril. Another real issue is permanent damage in brain functioning that can aff...