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Showing posts with the label men

Attacks on Integrity of Men to Raise Stature of Women?

Humans are animals. They have evolved into two streams. One of these brings up children the other hunts for meat. attacks integrity stature attacks articles true Men and women are different. New regulations and forced norms of behavior will not change this. Males and females in the same Olympic event - ridiculous. The wave of shaming bullying males will eventually end.   ⎳ attacks a integrity a men a With a raise a stature a women ⎳ It is correct that "manly", labor-intensive jobs are being reduced by mechanization, but ladies will always be the fairer, less muscular sex. The problematic area is management. Women are more suited to this occupation because they use language more efficiently.    ⦿3 attacks b integrity b men b to b raise b stature b women || raise ||⦿3 You hear of the strong, silent man. However, this is countered by the nagging woman: it is true that she needs to use more words in a day to be happy. There is also the native nurturing disposition versus ...

UFOs Fly Worldwide

     Unidentified flying objects are about again with sights across the planet. ▶ articles stories news impediments attachment things read accessories shebang outfit things articles up stories on news array belongings utensils ornaments rig writing baggage words articles at stories it news happening Attachments vestiges devices tools setup appliances articles as stories in news fashion gadgets machinery equipage contraptions kit material articles an stories furnishings teams collections and listen habiliments apparatus articles paragraph display kaboodle traps contrivances taking provisions fittings sets appurtenances facilities fixtures tackle gadget article pad trappings ear provisioning stock accompaniments furniture | in of |◀ | What is going on here? UFOs are knocking about again. You would think that with the large number of commercial flights and the boosted observation of today that the myth would be put to rest. This is not the case, however, with more sig...

Sociological Study Shows Women Get Lower Prices on eBay

Sociology: women make more profit on eBay by selling at lower prices. Men and women are the same - well not really. There may be a drive to make the workplace equal for both sexes. However, there are clear biological differences and thought processes are not the same. Certain parts of the brain are preferred by either sex.  What is involved in selling? Description and layout are paramount. Relevant and stimulating pictures are required. The correct price to sell adequate volume of a product and make a profit are also essential. Men and women see these factors differently. An examination of eBay shows that women sell the same products at lower prices than men. Considering people can easily find the cheapest product in a category because of the way eBay is designed, women managers will make more sells. Researchers said that buyers have lower expectations of women sellers. This is a red herring: buyers do not normally look to see whether a seller is a man or woman. ...

Glass Ceiling for Women in Medicine

You would think that the medical profession would be equal for both sexes in regard to career opportunities by now. Unfortunately, this it not the case in Australia. It occurs even though medical schools have reached gender parity for enrolments. In many schools women are in the majority. Leadership positions are still dominated by men. This is more so specialty areas. Old cultural values have inertia: the US, UK and Canada have the same problem. In Sweden research has shown that women medicos seek high positions just as much as men. Yet even there men dominate leadership and specialties. The average for women CEOs in Australian hospitals is only 12.5 percent. This is absurdly low. Female deans of medical schools and government chief medical officers average about 30 per cent. Women in specialty stands at 16 per cent: they are overwhelmingly in pathology, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology holding just over half of these positions nationally. Female surgeons number abou...

Space Signal From Little Green Men?

It seems that the eavesdropping of telescopes into outer space has paid off. Something interesting has been heard. Don't get too excited though. The signals originated way outside the Milky Way. If an intelligent civilization made them, the little green guys are long gone. The mystery sound is a series of radio bursts. Most curious is a double signal followed by four single bursts. This takes the count to 11 unidentified "displays" from out yonder. Unfortunately, the first 10 didn't last. The "Wow signal" was the most famous. An observer only had time to write down the word "wow" and it was never heard again. Let's hope the latest sound will hang around. Anyway, a double burst is something new. It appears that there is a mundane explanation for the signal. The source must be extremely powerful, too strong to be controlled by even intelligent creatures. Or, it could be very local indeed, like the leakage from microwave over doors i...

HIV Aids Thrives in Western Gay Men

Like in days gone by humans will have to live with the possibility of losing a family member suddenly, at a young age, due to the inability to effectively fight disease. Antibiotics are failing as superbugs take hold. Some diseases such HIV have traits that make it impossible to cure. At best we can only fight the ailment and prolong life. A vaccine is a long way off. It may never be developed. This is the view of Francoise Barre-Sinoussi the person who first identified HIV. She is about to retire. Her position is that it is essentially a gay disease. The worst features of the disease are still in the homosexual population, despite one-eyed claims that everyone is in danger of contacting it. More gay men than heterosexuals are now getting the sickness in the Western world. There is a swing back to its initial form when it broke out in the 1980s. There is something about contact will contents of the bowel which suits HIV. It is the practice of gay men that is of prim...

Vasopressin Gene Makes Women Promiscuous

Do you think that extramarital relationships are morally wrong? Well, ninety one percent of people do. However, men are predisposed to wander due to their genes. A fifth of married men had on the side affairs over the last two decades. More than 10 per cent of women who are "programmed" to be loyal to one man also had liaisons. The most common excuse given is that the marital relationship is not fulfilling. Of course, the proclaimed reason has little to do with the motivation. Other reasons put forward are moral flaws of one party, or this is the thing to do int today's society . Throughout history men have been away from home sowing their wild oats to increase the number of offspring, while their partners remained tied to the kitchen to feed the couple's children.  There have always been women who have not followed this path who have lived a profligate existence. A new slant on this is that some women have the vasopressin receptor gene which make...

Man Pregnant in Australia

A man got pregnant in Australia - laugh, laugh, laugh! But you may be surprised to know that it actually happened, many times. Fifty four men have fallen for a baby since 2013 to be precise.  It is perfectly legal here. Now, in Australia one can choose which gender can be used on public records. This has been the cause of records showing male births. Patients are people who are born female and continue to keep their reproductive organs while living as a man. All of the 54 people who have had babies in Australia are transgender, originally being born as a women. One of these was actually 64 years old. The births were covered by medicare. A few did choose to have abortions. Of course some groups have slammed the whole concept as being against nature. ✴ Health by Ty Buchanan ✴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Should Gay Sex be Banned?

People are becoming complacent. They believe that governments will take care of contagious disease. or think that severe sickness will not come close to them. They are wrong, Cases of Ebola in the US and Europe have shown we are all in danger. Even governments are not supporting the crisis in Africa by giving money. All Westerners seem to be selfish, living their own lives in the quest for more pleasure, not accepting the truth.  Ebola is a terrible disease with no cure. Disease is creeping up on us. Antibiotics no longer work. Syphilis for example, is at its highest level ever in Australia. We don't seem to care. More people are getting AIDS everyday.  Expensive long term treatment is the only answer for those who become ill. The way we live is the greatest problem. Societies seem to brush it under the carpet. However, AIDS and syphilis are mostly spread by gay men, yet cultures are increasingly making gay practices legal.  Everything seems to be ...

Men Choose Degrees That Provide Good Incomes

There is a reason more women are not in high income occupations. Let's face it the truth is the truth - most women do not have a mathematical mind. It is based on evolution where women developed social skills to collect berries and tubers. Men on the other hand had to hunt dangerous large animals and this needed calculating brains. Even today the sexes express their differences. More men choose university degrees in maths, engineering, technology and science. This where big money is earned. Humanities degrees especially the common or garden Bachelor of Arts will leave you in the unemployment line. Australians generally persist in studying for a BA despite all the statistics showing how weak this honor is. They know it is easy to get, but the easy way is not the best and more rational way. Just choosing a non-humanities degree is not that easy for females. A few have extremely good mathematical skills. They are at least equal to men. Most do not have the ment...