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Showing posts with the label treating

Discrimination Against the Elderly in Public Hospitals

 ▶ Older citizens are being given a rough deal. Maltreatment and discrimination is dished out to the weak by the bureaucratic Australian NHS. tests elderly | hospitals | discrimination smoking inherited dying health gene centenarians variants genetics diseases geriatrics igf-1, hospitals | | notable new public elderly form discrimination compose against web have screen new syllables elderly mind discrimination keyboard against public you write elderly shown pen discrimination you pencil word | found. new quotes elderly feel public discrimination || health hospitals young tests blog ||◀ | Federal government funding shortfalls across Australia is affecting the welfare of aged people. They have to pay even though they have no health insurance. No longer is it a free system. The medical profession has been found out. It is a sad situation and is hidden because decision makers lie to themselves.         | age against paragraph phrase new comprehend book m...

Lice Treatment Endangers Children

 ▶ It has been discovered that the treatment for lice endangers our children. | stories news.| ◀ | Pyrethroids are commonly used in the home. You buy spray to repel mosquitoes or to eradicate lice off the supermarket shelf and assume that it is safe.  Unfortunately, it has dangers. A French research team tested 287 women and six years later examined their children.    ||| lice do treatment to endangers is children | pyrethroid lice | Pregnant mothers who have a particular pyrethroid in their urine can give birth to children with life problems. The youngsters are withdrawn and anxious. Another pyrethroid in children's waterworks makes them hyperactive. They show their feelings too readily and are aggressive.     ||| lice as treatment it endangers go children | lice | pyrethroid ||     Permethrin is in lice treatments and scabies creams. Though recommended for use on toddlers over six months of age, manufacturers know it is unsafe. Profit outweig...

New Treatment for Asthma With Beneficial Side Effect

A new method of treating asthma has been discovered. Formoterol is a synthetic form of catecholamine. This is a hormone that regulates metabolism, heart rate and breathing. It increases metabolism without raising the heart rate. Tests on animals have been promising. The drug is selective in that receptors in the lungs take on the catecholamine but receptors in the heart do not. A positive side effect it that it burns fat from the body. Eight men without asthma were given the medication for a week. Their energy metabolism increased by 10 per cent. Fat was burned off by 25 per cent. Protein only fell by 15 per cent. This means people can do more with leaner bodies. We may be entering a new age where obese people no longer have to suffer. They can have healthy bodies in the normal weight range. Tests on those with asthma will set the stage for this. Subjects will be closely monitored to determine long term effects. Hopefully they will all be beneficial. http://www.adventure-...